Chapter 35

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Today I was able to go home. I woke up and almost slapped Andy because he was starring at me really closely.

– What the hell is wrong with you?! – I said with my left hand in my chest. He laughed and shrugged.

– Nice to see you too, uh – he faked anger. I rolled my eyes and rubbed them.

– How are you? – he asked as I put my eyes in the bag he probably left on the armchair when he arrived.

– Apart from almost having a heart attack, I'm doing great – I said as I sat down on the bed.

Jake wasn't in the room. Maybe he was calling Ella or something. I stretched and stayed for a moment looking at my arm, or what was left of it. I sighed and scratched my hair.

A knock on the door brought me from my thoughts.

– Is everybody visible? – Jake asked.

– I'm not – Andy said. I laughed.

– I don't give a shit about you – Jake laughed as he came in.

He sat down next to me on the bed and smiled.

– I have good news – I tilted my head curious.


I left Alex sleeping for a moment because I wanted to talk to Ella a bit. She had been a little sad these days and I wanted to cheer her up. After talking to her for like ten minutes, I hang out and was going to come back to Alex's room when her doctor called me.

– Mr. Pitts – he said coming from behind the counter.

– It's everything alright? – I asked concerned.

– Oh, yes, no problem – he smiled kindly.

– Today Miss Moore can leave the hospital, but I wanted to ask if she is interested in having a prosthesis for her arm – I thought about it for a moment.

– I'll ask her, but I'm pretty sure she will like to have one – he nodded.

– I'll be waiting for an answer then – he came back to do his job.


I knocked on the door because I had seen Andy coming in with Alex's clothes and maybe she was getting dressed or something.

– Is everybody visible? – I asked.

– I'm not – Andy said. Alex laughed.

– I don't give a shit about you – I laughed as I came in.

I sat down next to her on the bed and couldn't help but smile.

– I have good news – she tilted her head curious.

I explained it to her and she seemed interested in having one. Andy and I let her change into her clothes and then she opened the door so we were able to come in again.

(clothes on the side)

– You look pretty good in your clothes again – Andy said happily.

– Yeah, I'm glad to be in them to – she slightly laughed and ran her fingers through her long black hair.


I ran my fingers through my hair. Even when I had cut it twice, it was pretty long, but there was no sighed of the red I used to have, it was black again.

– I should go and talk to the doctor – I said as I caught my bag, but Jake caught it from my hand.

– I'll carry this – he smiled kindly. I returned the smirk and went outside the room looking for the doctor.

The nurse told me he was in his office so I went and knocked on the door.

– Come in – he said. I opened the door.

– Hello – he received me with a smile and offered me a seat.

We talked and he prepared everything for my prosthesis; I would be able to have it in a week. At least in a week I would be able to apparently have two arms again.

When Andy, Jake and I walked out the hospital, I had to admit that I was nervous. Lucky of me there were no paparazzi so we were able to walk freely to Andy's car.

I sat down in the backseat and relaxed.

– How I've missed the freedom – Andy laughed and Jake smiled.

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