Chapter 30

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When we arrived to the hospital Alex was in surgery so we had to wait in the corridor. Andy and Jake were sat in plastic chairs but I was walking from one place to another. How could they stay in the same spot more than one minute?

The doctor told us what happened and it just made me feel worst. An elevator accident? Was she okay?

After what seemed hours a middle- aged doctor came and told us that she was awake and that we were able to see her.

– But – he said making us turn around. Hurry up! I said in my mind.

– But? – Andy asked.

– You should know something before coming in... – his eyes with sadness.

– What's wrong? – I blurted.


Minutes later Andy, Jake and Jinxx walked in the room. I smiled at them but frowned because of their sad expressions. Andy faked a smile but he couldn't lie to me.

– Guys – I said, catching their attention.

– I'm glad you're okay Alex – Jake said, coming to my left side and half hugging me. I smiled and nodded.

– It's nice to see you again – I said to all of them.

I tried to sat up but I couldn't.

– Andy can you help me? I've tried to sat up twice but I can't move my arm – I asked.

He looked down to the ground and back to me.

– Sure – he grabbed me by the armpits and sat me up in bed.

– Seriously, what's wrong? – Jinxx was the one that was further from me, but his eyes were on me all the time, they were full of sadness.

They looked at each other before finally Jake spoke.

– You... – he trailed off.

Me what?


Andy called me and CC telling us that Alex was in the hospital. I looked at CC who seemed as worried as me. We made our way to the hospital and almost ran to where the receptionist was.

– Sorry, can you tell me which is Alex Moore's room, please? – I asked nervously.

She eyed me first and then with a disgust look told me it was the number 344. Fuck it, I was too disquiet as like to argue with her.

We walked as fast as we could to her room and knocked before Andy's voice told us to come in.

CC opened the door and I closed it behind me.

– OMG Alex, are you okay? – I said coming to where she was and hugging her. She buried her face in my neck for a moment and then nodded.

– What happened? – I asked as I put her bangs to one side to see her eyes better. I felt the guys tensed behind me.

– I don't exactly know what happened – she said but told us what the doctor had told her.

I was going to answer but Andy told me to go outside with him for a moment. CC and Jake followed us.

Then he told us what Alex needed to know. Oh God.


After the guys exited the room Alex put her eyes on me, but in her face there was no anger, there was sadness.

– Jinxx... – she started.

– Can we forget about everything? – I asked. She lifted her eyes to me and nodded. A sweet smile in her face.

– Thanks – I said.

– Thanks to you – she replied. That made me smiled.

We stood there in silence for a moment, but then she talked.

– Can you tell me what's wrong? – she almost begged; confusion in her beautiful eyes.

– Well... – I took the chair that was next to her bed, putting it closer and sat down.

– Please – she said. When her eyes met mine, I knew I couldn't lie, not to her.

– First, I want you to know that I still love you and will always – I didn't know how I managed to say that, but there it was.

She stayed in silence for a moment but then smiled warmly.

– I love you too Jinxx – the combination of her voice and those words just made me go to heaven and come back.

Here we go again (Jinxx love story)Where stories live. Discover now