Chapter 21

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After the concert we all came to our buses and took a shower. Lauri came with us and waited in my tour bus while we had a shower.

I was the first one in taking a shower, so when I came out I stayed with him while the others took theirs.

– So, I see you continue with this stuff – I said touching one of the feathers he had in his hair.

– Yep – he smiled.

– And I see you dyed your hair again, why was that? I thought you didn't want to do it again – he tilted his head to the right.

– Yes, I needed a change after all that I've been through – I shrugged. He smiled sweetly.

One thing that I liked about him was that he was always smiling. No matter what he always had a smile for me when I saw him.

When the guys were ready we made our way to a near restaurant and waited for the rest of the people to arrive.

When Jinxx arrived, he sat down next to me, but he seemed to be far away from there.

I touched his hand and he lifted his eyes to me.

– Yes? – he asked.

– What's wrong? – I frowned a bit. Wasn't he feeling good?

– I just have a headache – he slightly smiled. I squeezed his hand.

– Do you want to go back to the bus? – I asked.


– I just have a headache – I slightly smiled. She squeezed his hand.

– Do you want to go back to the bus? – Alex asked. She was so good with me that I was mentally slapping myself just for doubting about my feelings for her.

– Yes, I think I'm going back to the bus, but stay here, have fun – I said as I was going to stood up.

– No, I'm not leaving you alone if you don't feel okay – she stood up too and caught her anorak.

– Guys, we're going back to the tour bus, Jinxx isn't feeling okay – She said with a serious tone.

– Hope you feel better then, Jinxx – they said in their ways.

– We'll see you guys tomorrow – Alex said as I put on my anorak too. Maybe I had a cold.

I stood up while Alex talked with Lauri.

– I'll see you tomorrow, right? – she asked. He smiled and nodded.

How I hated that smile. It hadn't left his face in all the time he's been with us. It was irritating for me, and more when he was near Alex.


I went to BVB tour bus with Jinxx. He was shivering so I touched his forehead and noticed he had fever. I told him to lay in his bunk. I took a pill from his first aid kit and a glass of water and carried it to his bunk. He took them and thanked it to me.

– Just sleep a bit, okay? – I said concerned. Probably it was just a cold but I was worried about him anyway.

– Okay. You can stay here with me if you want – he said, his eyes closing slowly. I could tell he was too tired for even stay awake.

I smiled and kissed his forehead.

– I'll be in the living area, call me if you need anything – I said and turned off the light so he could sleep better.

I made some coffee since I didn't want to fall asleep and ended up watching a random channel on TV; one about wildlife.

It was 12 o'clock when the guys arrived. Andy wasn't drunk and he told me that he would take care if Jinxx needed something so I could go to my bus and sleep a bit.

I thanked it to him and went to my bus. The cold outside bit my skin even with the anorak on.

I fell asleep almost immediately when I rested my head on the pillow.

>>The next morning<<


I woke up feeling better than the night before. The only thing that didn't leave my mind was what was I supposed to do with myself.

It just was worse when Sammie came to see how I was feeling.

– Hey Jinxxy – she plopped down next to me.

– Sammie – I slightly smiled. She used to cause that effect on me, she could always make me smile.

– How are you feeling today? – maybe I could find if I just tried something...

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