Chapter 37

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Please don't ask us how we ended up shaving the side of our heads while waiting for the guys to come. I was starting to feel better, but then that feeling returned and I felt like shit.

Why did that happen to me? I asked myself as Juliet collected the hair from the ground. What was going to be of me if I was afraid of going out of my own house?

Juliet noticed my face and was going to say something, but the bell rang and she came downstairs to open it.

– Alex! CC, Ash and Jinxx are here! – she yelled from her position. I sighed and stood up. I looked myself in the mirror and smirked ironically. Who would have ever said that you were gonna shave your head?

I walked downstairs slowly, not bothering to look at the guys in my way down. CC looked at me surprised by my new haircut. Ashley lifted an eyebrow, and there was no sign of Juliet and Jinxx. Then I heard a noise coming from the kitchen and I guessed they were there.

– Why did you shave your head? – Ash asked curious. I shrugged.

– It fell? – I questioned joking. He slightly laughed and rolled his eyes.

Being with this two really cheered me up, but I still felt that something was missing.

– So guys, how's going the new CD you're preparing? – I asked sitting down on Ashley's lap.

– YO! There's no other seat, uh? – he asked poking my side.

He tickled me and I stuck my tongue out at him. He did the same but I continued sitting on his lap. I looked at CC and we both laughed.

– So? – I lifted an eyebrow.

– It's going okay, I think you'll love this CD – Ashley patted my head. I looked at him squinting my eyes. He rolled his eyes.


I was surprised to see Juliet with the side of her head shaved, but I didn't say anything about it except for questioning her if Andy knew something about it.

– Nop – she popped the “p” while taking cups out of a cupboard.

– Oh – I said taking a beer out of the fridge.

– So, what are your planes with Alex? – I lifted my head and looked at her not understanding.

– What? – She put the cups on the table.

– What is going to happen between you and her? – I stood speechless. I hadn't thought about it because Alex wasn't ready for anything, or at less she said so.

– Do you think Alex would want to be with me again? – I asked more to myself.

– Duh, she needs someone to be with her and you know it, and she loves you – Juliet rolled his eyes, took the cups and went with them to the living room.

I stood there with my beer in my hand. What should I do? Maybe I should talk to her...


Juliet came out of the kitchen with some cups and left them on the table. She looked at us and lifted and eyebrow.

– What are you doing? – she asked. We looked at each other. How have we ended in this position? Ashley was laying on the couch with his legs on my lap and CC was sat on the arm of the couch and has his head on my lap too, on Ashley's legs.

– Just resting? – I asked looking at each other. They nodded and we continued watching TV.

There was a knock on the door, which caused Juliet to come back of her thoughts and open the door. Jake and Andy came in and stood in the middle of the living room looking at us.

– What the fuck? – he said with a funny expression.

– I'm fine with it – Jake said and sat on the floor resting his head on the side of my legs. I laughed.

– You guys know that I'm not a bed right? – they all said yeahs.

– Okay, just asking – I said and we continued watching TV. We were watching a cartoon series about two dogs that were always in trouble.

Andy examined my face nearer and then laughed, noticing the same in Juliet, our half shaved heads.

– What the hell? – he rested an arm around Juliet's shoulders.

– We were bored – she shrugged as Andy pecked her cheek.

Jinxx came out of the kitchen with a beer in his hand. I pointed at him dramatically.

– Don't steal my beers – she slightly smiled and rolled his eyes.

– So, what are we going to do? – Jake asked. I glanced at him then at Juliet and Andy who were cuddled on the armchair.

Andy shrugged and Juliet thought about; after a minute she came out with an idea.

– Why don't we watch a film? You had some cool ones in your laptop, didn't you Alex? – I nodded and took Ashley's legs and CC's head off my lap. Jake took off his head when I stood up.

I went to my room and took my laptop and the cables I needed, then came back downstairs and left them on the table.

– Why don't yo guys go and buy some food meanwhile? – I asked. Jake and CC jumped on their feet and said at the same time “pizza”. We laughed.

– I don't want pizza – Juliet pouted. Andy half-smiled.

– We'll buy different things. Jake and CC go and buy the pizzas and Juliet and I will buy something different – he decided.

– I'll go with them, I don't trust this two choosing my food – Ashley said and put an arm around CC's shoulder. He just shrugged.

So there we were, Jinxx and I alone in the same room. He plopped down on the couch while I connected the cables. He had offered me his help, but I wanted to do it by my own.

– How have you been? – he asked after a few minutes of silence.

– I guess I've been good – I shrugged.

There was another moment of silence before he asked something that I would have never asked right then.

– What's going to happen between us Alex? – he questioned. I saw sadness in his eyes when I lifted my head from behind the TV.

I sighed loudly and stood up, scratching the back of my head with my hand.

– Why do you ask me that now? You were the one almost ignoring me – I said plopping on the other side of the couch, crossing my legs Indian style.

– I didn't ignore you, I just...just didn't know what to say or what to do – he passed a hand through his hair.

– Jinxx, I am the one that had lost a hand, not you, I should be in your position, but I'm not, and I needed you with me after the surgery, but Andy was the one there for me – he looked down to his hands.

– I know and I'm sorry, but understand me...Andy was the one that had always been there for you, he was the one that knew what to do – his voice was soft.

What should I say? What should I do? Was he the love of my life or I should leave him go and wait for another person?

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