Chapter 16

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His eyes were on me so I guessed he was talking seriously.

– Really? – I asked. My head was a mess in that moment.

– If you don't want I understand it... – he said looking down to his hands.

I used some of the little guts I had and do what I wanted to do.

I caught his hand catching his attention. His eyes met mine and I melt for a moment. He squeezed my hand. I smiled a little.

– Obviously I say yes, but promise me something... – I said. His eyes were full of happiness but they paralyzed with the second part of what I said.

– Anything – he said, his hand still in mine.

– Promise me that you will never break my heart again – my voice was serious. I didn't want him to play with my feelings again.

– I promise to you that I won't ever dare to hurt your heart again – he told me.

I smiled and with that we lost ourselves in a kiss that would have lasted forever.


After we broke the kiss I thought about the time and realized that I had less than 50 minutes to get ready for the concert. Fuck.

– I have to go – I said as I pecked her lips and stood up.

– I'll see you before the concert – Alex said smiling. I smiled back and nodded.

– I love you Alex, forever and always, don't forget it – I said. She smiled widely.

– You're going to be late – she said. I turned around and walked to the door but I heard footsteps after me.

– Jinxx... – she called.

I turned around and looked at her.

– Yes? – I said with one leg outside the bus.

– I love you too – I smiled, she blushed.

I left and went almost running to my tour bus. When I came in the guys turned around and looked at me.

– What? – I asked after a moment of silence. Weird dudes.

– You've been having fun? – Ashley asked lifting one eyebrow.

– No that way Sherlock – I went to the bunk area and put on my clothes for the concert, then went back to the living area and started doing my make up.

– So, which way Jinxx? – CC asked as he finished his make up and turned to look at me.

– Let's say that I'm finally dating Alex – they all clapped. It made me almost lost one eye because of the eyeliner pencil.

– You did it bro! – Andy said still clapping.

And then I realized that I finally got what I'd desired since I was 17 years old.


After Jinxx left I went to the bathroom and looked myself in the mirror. I blushed a little and washed my face to make sure it wasn't a dream.

I was lost in my thoughts when Henry and Jordan came in running and made me fall to the floor.

– What's wrong with you? – I said while Jordan gave me a hand to stand up.

– Too much coffee – they said at the same time, then looked at each other and started laughing.

I sighed and denied with my head while going to catch my clothes for the concert.

A pair of black skinny jeans, a pair of black converse and a grey t-shirt with a pair of headphones in it.

I took a quick shower and then did some make up, even when I didn't use it usually; today I felt different.

They were still playing/fighting with each other when I finished so I decided to go by myself and wait there for them.

When I went out the bus, I found Mike kissing a girl next to me. I almost screamed but realized who it was first.

– Mike, if your ass is not ready in 30 minutes I'm kicking it personally – I said as I passed them.

He groaned.

I continued walking and when I headed the avenue I had to hide myself because of the long queue of fans. If they recognized me I would never got out of there.

I found the back door of the building and found a security guard too. He let me in and I just sat down there not knowing exactly what to do. In the end I finished playing Angry Birds in my mobile phone.

After what seemed the eternity I heard a familiar voice coming from the back door. Seconds later the long figure of Andy appeared and behind him CC and Ashley.

– Hey – Ashley said plopping down next to me. A evil smile plastered in his face.

– What? – I asked.

– What's up with you and Jinxx uh?? – he poked my side making me giggle.

– Yeah, we heard you're finally together – CC sat on my left side and poked my side too.

I tried to hide my red cheeks from them but Andy started an “Aaaawwwh” and they followed him.

– Shut up Biersack – I said crossing my arms in my chest.

– C'mon we're just messing with you – he stoke his tongue to me and I did the same.

– Yeah, don't be mean Lex, we're happy for you both – Ashley said. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. He looked at me in the same way.

– What? – He asked. I shrugged.

– It sound weird coming from you, Mr. Purdy – I poked his side and he giggled.

I liked this guys, but when they messed with me it really made me feel uncomfortable. They knew where to touch.

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