Chapter 40

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*The next morning*


I was woken up by my annoying alarm clock. I turned it off and turned around again, finding something warm, more like someone. I opened my eyes and found an asleep Jinxx. He looked so relaxed and cute.

I looked how much time I had and sighed. I would love to go back to sleep...

But today was the big day! I was getting something that looked like an arm, even if it was made of plastic or whatever.

I poked Jinxx's cheek and looked how he made a funny face and moved, still asleep. I decided to try another technique since it didn't seem to work.

I went closer and slightly pecked his lips. Almost instantly he opened his eyes and smiled.

– Good morning – he said stretching himself.

– Good morning – I replied covering my mouth to yawn.

– Ready for the big day? – he asked as he stood up. I noticed his almost naked body. I really could get used to this, you know, a sexy man next to me every didn't really sound bad.

– Yep – I opened my wardrobe and looked for some comfortable clothes.

Jinxx came out of the bathroom all dressed and prepared and glanced at me.

– You look beautiful – He said; I smiled.

– Love is making you go blind – He rolled his eyes.

– Whatever, I'm gonna make some toasts while you get dressed and that stuff – he said and left the room.


I came downstairs when I was ready to face the day. I've even mentally prepared myself for it.

Jinxx and I had a quickly breakfast and then headed to the door.

– Are you ready? – He asked opening the door and smiling at me.

– I'm ready – I said after breathing deeply.

I wasn't ready for what happened after.


When we arrived to the hospital and found our way to the doctor's he didn't seemed to be very happy.

– Please, take a seat – he offered to Jinxx and I. We sat down and glanced at each other before turning our attention back to the doctor.

– There has been a problem with the prosthesis, Ms. Moore, it won't be ready at least until the next Friday – you could imagine how I was in that moment.

All the confidence I had in myself when I left my house that morning disappeared. Jinxx must have noticed it too because he caught my hand and squeezed it.

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