Chapter 11

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I remembered closing my eyes, and now I was in a dark place. I looked to my right and to my left searching something I couldn't find.

I heard a girl crying behind me. I turned around to see Alex, but not the Alex I saw last night.

She was the Alex I met so long time ago in high school.

She hugged her legs against her chest and cried. I came next to her.

– What's the problem little girl? – I asked.

– He's dead – she repeated twice.

I frowned.

– Who? – I asked not understanding.

She lifted her eyes to me. Those eyes full of tears and pain hurt so much inside of me...

– Jinxx – her voice disappeared in the dark as I felt a horrible pain in my chest.

Then I opened my eyes again to find myself in a hospital room. Next to me was Alex, but the real Alex.

– You said you loved me...why did you do this to me? You left me heartbroken again Jinxx – she said with her hands covering her face. She was crying.

– I'm sorry – I said and she instantly looked at me with wide eyes.

– Oh my god, are you okay? – she said hugging me.

– No, obviously no – she looked at me.

– What? What's wrong? – she asked worried, searching for what was wrong in me.

– I made you cry – I said. My stomach was a little sensitive but I was alright.

She hit me in the shoulder.

– You idiot – she hugged me again.


– You said you loved me...why did you do this to me? You left me heartbroken again Jinxx – I said with my face buried in my hands. I couldn't stop the tears.

– I'm sorry – I head him say and I instantly lifted my head and looked at him with wide eyes.

– Oh my god, are you okay? – I said hugging him. He was alive and awake.

– No, obviously no – I looked at him. What was wrong?! The doctor said he would be okay!

– What? What's wrong? – I asked worried, searching for what was wrong in him.

– I made you cry – he said. I looked at him with a “are you fucking kidding me” expression.

I hit him in the shoulder.

– You idiot – I hugged him again.

– I'm really sorry. Apparently I'm always causing you problems... – he said while sitting down on the bed.

I sat down on the chair in front of him.

– Yes, you're always causing me problems – I said and crossed my arms in my chest.

His eyes were full of sadness. I sighed.

– Don't be sad, I'm not angry with you. I was so fucking worried about you – he looked at me and I smiled to comfort him.

The doctor came not too much time ago and said that if Jinxx felt okay he was able to leave. As soon as we were out we were at the airport waiting for a plane. The guys took our things before they left.

We sat down together. I was tired since I didn't sleep in a whole day so I decided to take a nap. Not having anything more comfortable I decided to rest my head in Jinxx's shoulder. He said something but I was almost asleep and I didn't hear it.

I woke up 20 minutes later to find that Jinxx was asleep too. I sat straight and decided to listen to some music until the plane landed.

We arrived so I shook Jinxx's shoulder to wake him up.

– Jinxx – I said softly. He opened his eyes and smiled.

– C'mon we've arrived – I stood up and caught my handbag.

We went out and I decided to call Andy because I was going to leave Jinxx with them and then I would join my band.

– Hey Andy – I said while walking. Jinxx by my side.

– Hey Alex, how's Jinxx? – he asked.

– He's alright, actually, we're already here in Bakersfield – I heard Ashley and Jake from behind.

– Oh, well we were going to have lunch, do you want us to pick you? – I looked at Jinxx and he simply smirked.

– Sure, we'll wait you here – I said.

I then decided to call my band mates. They were picking me after lunch.


I was worried as fuck when I left Alex at the hospital, but I had to go on tour with the guys. We went directly to bed when we arrived at home. In really this night had been the worst one in the whole month.

The next morning we took the plane to Bakersfield and I couldn't get Alex away from my head. Should I call her? When I left her she was very sad. It hurt to see your best friend like that.

After we arrived and left all the things in the hotel room, we decided to explore a little bit the city. It wasn't until lunch time when I received a call from Alex.

– Hey Andy – she said when I answered the phone.

– Hey Alex, how's Jinxx? – I asked.

– He's alright, actually, we're already here in Bakersfield – Ashley and Jake were talking too loud behind me so I made a “silence sign” with one finger.

– Oh, well we were going to have lunch, do you want us to pick you? – I asked while Jake drove the car.

– Sure, we'll wait you here – she said. I hanged out and we made our way to the airport.


We sat down on the uncomfortable plastic chairs of the airport waiting for the guys to pick us.

– So... – I said turning to face her. She lifted her eyes from her mobile phone to me.

– Yes? – she asked. I scratched my head with one hand.

– I was thinking that since you're not with Devon anymore and you said you love me...we know... – I was so nervous.

– Aha...? – she raised an eyebrow.

– That maybe we could...go out someday? – I finally asked.

She tensed for a moment and then we heard Andy's voice calling us. We lifted our eyes to where he was. Alex looked at me and stood up, going to where Andy was.

I sighed and went with them.

We had lunch at a rock&roll restaurant that was in the city center and then we left Alex with her band mates. She went out the car but I called her after going out too.

– Alex – she turned around to face me.

– Yes? – she asked. Mike was waiting for her inside his car.

– You didn't answer me before – I said being afraid of her possible answer.

She slightly smiled.

– Maybe – she said and went to Mike's car.

I smiled without knowing it. Maybe. That was more than a no.

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