Chapter 6

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I opened my mouth but Andy caught my hand and practically kidnapped me. He made me walk outside the dance and faced me.

– Is it true that you're leaving? – he asked looking at me directly with a sad expression.

– Yes...That's why I came tonight Andy, I wanted a last time with my friends – he hugged me tight, I hugged him back and hid my face in his t-shirt.

I was leaving because a friend from Texas was moving to LA and contacted with me and asked if I wanted to sing in his band. I had been waiting for an opportunity like that since I was, I don't know, 14 years? Now that I was 17 it seemed a good chance for me.

– I'm gonna miss you little monster – he smiled and stroked my curly hair.

Me too, I'm gonna miss you, and all the guys too – I hugged him one last time and we came back the party. I looked to where Jinxx was, I was talking with him before Andy kidnapped me. I found him kissing Nathalie like if they were going to have sex on the table.

I felt tears coming to my eyes and just turned around and ran outside to Andy's car.

Why? Why was he doing this to me? I-I loved him.


I haven't talked with Alex since she ran from me after yelling me to leave her alone. We've ignored each other since that.

I picked Nathalie from his house at 7 pm. She had a blue dress that didn't caught my attention at all.

I drove to the party and saw the guys in a corner so we walked to them. Between Andy and Lyra, there was Alex. Her black and red hair curled and her amazing dress made her look gorgeous.

I looked at her and was going to talk to her but she just ignored me. Somehow it hurt inside.

Time passed and we decided to eat something.

The music continued running and Alex and Lyra stood up but I went next to I and took her by her arm, just to catch her attention. She looked at me with a “WTF” expression.

– May I dance with you? – I asked.

I was sure she was going to say no but Lyra patted her shoulder and nodded.

– I guess – Alex said while we went to where the people was dancing.

A slow song started and she glared at the DJ. How much did she hate me without reason?

We dance and I really felt comfortable having her between my arms, but she seemed tensed.

After a moment of silence I looked at her.

– Alex, I'm sorry okay, I shouldn't have ignored you but I just got pissed because you were angry with me and I didn't do anything – I said. She didn't looked me.

– I know, I'm sorry about that – she said. At least she was talking.

I tightened my arms around her and she frowned. I sighed.

– But in really, I have a motive to be angry – she said.

– What is it? – I questioned confused. I wanted to know.

She opened her mouth but Andy caught her hand and practically kidnapped her. He made her walk outside the dance.

I went after then because I was getting angry with Andy. What the hell was he doing? We were talking. He just can't come and take a person without saying anything.

I saw them hugging each other and I understood everything. They were dating right? I felt like if someone had taken my heart and just shred it in front of me.

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