Chapter 23

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The fact that Lauri was next to me made me feel better, I guessed. I've been crying for 2 hours, my eyes hurt, my throat hurt, my heart hurt.

I had to be on a plane in one hour and had to seat next to Jinxx. I just couldn't see him anymore. What was I supposed to do? I didn't even want to be near him.

I felt Lauri's eyes on me, I lifted my eyes and wiped the tears. Enough crying for one day. I stood up and stretched. Then I had an idea.

– Lauri – I turned to look at him.

– Yes? – He lifted an eyebrow.

– Are you staying here for now? – I asked.

– Yes, we have “holidays” – he made quotation marks with the fingers and smiled.

– Why? – he continued.

– Can I stay with you for sometime? – he frowned but nodded.

– I mean, if your girlfriend is okay with that – I said looking at him hopefully.

– Oh, you can stay as long as you want, and I don't have any girlfriend – he smiled sweetly.

– What about your band and your friends? Don't you have to catch a plane in an hour? – he questioned.

– That's why I'm asking you if I can stay with you. I don't want to go back and see Jeremy everyday – I breathed trying to hold the tears.

– Oh, of course you can – he hugged me, resting his head on mine.

– Thanks – I hugged back burying my face in his chest for a moment.

Like five minutes later I decided to go and tell the guys that I was staying.

I went in the tour bus hoping there was nobody so I could catch my clothes but Mike, Matt and Andy were there. Fuck.

They turned to look at me but I just passed them and went to the bunk area. I caught my bag and started putting my clothes in it.

– What are you doing? – Andy said from the door, making me jump.

– You scared me – I said with one hand in my chest.

– Sorry, but, what are you doing? – he questioned again.

I sighed.

– Promise me you won't be angry – I said. I sat down on my bunk. He raised an eyebrow and came next to me.

– What are you talking about Lex? – he tilted his head to the right.

– I-I broke up with Jinxx and I'm staying here with Lauri by now – I said.

His lips formed an “O” and then he hugged me tight.

I explained all to Andy and more or less I told the guys what they needed to know. They complained but agreed in letting me think during the holidays what I wanted to do with my life. I didn't even know if I wanted to continue in the band.


We were at the airport, Alex finally agreed to come and say goodbye to us since she was staying here in Helsinki.

Jinxx was quite all the time, looking at the floor, just staying next to Jake or looking things in his phone.

Poor him, but poor Alex too. I hated to see him like that but he did what he did and he had to pay for it.

Juliet had caught other plane like 30 minutes ago. I missed her already, and more because I wasn't going to see her in 2 weeks. Uh, a rock star life.

There was one thing I would never understood. How Ashley was able to get a chick in every country he went to and never call her again.

We needed to catch the plane so I went next to Alex.

– Well, if you need to talk you know how to find me – I smiled. She did too and nodded.

– I'll talk to you whenever I can, I promise – she said. I nodded.

I knew Alex since we were in high school, so I had had time to become her best friend and she didn't deserve everything that was happening to her.


Andy came and said goodbye to me. He was a really good friend, in fact, he was my best friend. It was sad to be far from your best friend, but if his best friend was my ex-boyfriend, it was what I needed to do.

– See you soon Alex – Jake said and hugged me. I hugged back.

– Sure – I said, even when I wasn't sure if I was going to see him in a long period of time.

– Man, I thought that now that you were free we could go out sometime, but I didn't expect you staying here – Ashley punched my shoulder playfully.

I smiled and shrugged.

– More luck next time cowboy – I answered.

– You know we all love you, right? – he hugged me, I hugged back.

– I know, and I love you all – I patted his back and separated.

– And I know you don't want to know anything about Jinxx – my expression changed in this moment and he looked at me like asking to listen to him.

– but he asked me to say to you: goodbye and I will always love you – I clenched my fists but relaxed them after.

In the deepest part of my heart, I still loved him, even with everything he'd done to me.

My eyes flew from Ashley to Jinxx, who was looking at me and when our eyes met he looked down to the floor.

I sighed, I could see he was sorry for what he did, but I was too hurt.

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