Chapter 17

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Jake and I arrived just in time to the backstage. I came in and found Andy talking with Juliet and Mike, CC playing with his mobile phone, Ashley practicing with his bass and Alex was sat next to CC with her mobile phone too.

I sat down next to her, she lifted her eyes to me and smiled.

– Hey beautiful – she blushed a little.

– Hi, you're late – Alex commented. I smiled.

– Well, I was busy and didn't have too much time to prepare myself – she smiled looking at her phone.

She looked at me with her beautiful eyes and put her mobile phone in the pocket of her jacket. I leaned my head and our lips were almost together when our manager spoke.

– You need to be ready in 5 minutes guys – Alex smiled and told me to prepare myself. I sighed and stood up without the kiss I wanted.

We were about to go out. Guitar in hand and I was ready. Alex came, wished me luck and we finally kissed, earning some “aawh” from the guys. They were like children.

– Shut up – Alex said smiling. I smirked too and came to stage.


I could see how the guys loved being on stage, I even felt it because it was the same for me. Suddenly a girl with blond and black hair appeared next to me and cheered Jinxx's name. He lifted his eyes and smiled at her.

And I was there, annoyed. Who was she?

I turned around to find Juliet coming in to the backstage area. I almost ran to her.

– Juls, do you know who is she? – I asked, still annoyed.

She lifted her eyes from her mobile phone and looked the girl and then smiled.

– She's Sammi Doll – I frowned.

– Do I know her? – I asked confused.

– She's Jinxx's exgirlfriend, Alex – I formed an O with my mouth and then the jealousy raised inside of me.

I came back to my spot near the stage and let Juliet and Sammi talk together since they seemed to be great friends.

At the end of Perfect Weapon the guys were drinking some water before starting a new song. Jinxx looked in my direction like he was looking for someone, but when he saw me a smile appeared in his face. Was he looking for Sammi?

Don't be jealous Alex, don't be jealous! They're just friends, that's all.

<< But before they weren't just friends >> That thought came to my mind and my insecurity raised.

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