Chapter 15

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I didn't know what exactly happened but her lips crashed with mine and we started kissing each other passionately.

Her lips felt so good and were like a completed puzzle with mine.

And so there's we were, kissing each other like there was no tomorrow when a knock on the door made us come back to reality. Fuck. Why now?

– Uh...I'm sorry for ruining your little party, but we have to be ready at 6 o'clock Jinxx – Jake said catching our attention, he pointed to his watch and then disappeared again leaving us alone.

I looked down to my watch and saw it was 4:30 already. Shit. I looked in her direction. She bit her lower lip and made me want to kiss her even more.

– Wow – I said and she smiled.

– Yeah, wow – She answered and blushed a little. How could she be so fucking cute?

– I...have to go and get ready for tonight... – I said still in the same spot. I didn't want to leave...

– I know – She bit her lower lip again. Ahh! If she did that again I was going to freak out right there or something...

– Alex... – I called her to catch her attention.

– Uh? – she looked back to me and our eyes met.

I breathed deeply and looked for some guts inside of myself. Where did I put them?

– I was wondering if...if... – she lifted an eyebrow. Fuck, it wasn't easy.

– C'mon Jinxx you can do it, you can speak like a normal person – she said joking. I smiled.

– Ha ha, very funny – I sticked my tongue out. She did the same.

I looked at her directly in her eyes and breathed.


– Alex... – Jinxx called my name to catch my attention since I was turning off my Ipod.

– Uh? – I looked back to him and our eyes met. His eyes were so fucking amazing...

He breathed deeply.

– I was wondering if...if... – I lifted an eyebrow. What was so difficult to say?

– C'mon Jinxx you can do it, you can speak like a normal person – I said joking. He smiled. At least he was more relaxed.

– Ha ha, very funny – He sticked his tongue out. I did the same.

He looked at me directly in the eyes and breathed again. If he continued doing that he was gonna hyperventilate.

– Doyouwanttobemygirlfriend? – he asked.

– What? – I said with my eyes wide opened. How the hell was he able to speak to fast?

He breathed again and was going to speak but I stopped him.

– In a human language please – I smiled, he did too and rubbed the back of his neck with one hand.

– Do you want to be... – he stopped there shyly. His what?

– Your what? – I asked. For God's sake. Finish a fucking sentence!!

– My girlfriend? – he lifted his eyes shyly and I froze.

His girlfriend? Wait, what? Was he talking seriously or it was just because of the moment?


Finally Jinxx had some guts and did what he should have done time ago. I didn't want to ruin their fun but we really didn't have a lot of time to get ready.

I told him to come and get ready like 15 minutes ago and he wasn't here yet.

If he didn't have time enough then it wasn't my problem.

I started doing my make up and saw Andy coming in the mirror. He started doing his make up next to me.

CC and Ashley came not too much time after, but there was no sign of Jinxx.

– Yo, where's Jinxx? – CC asked.

– Probably having sex with Alex – Ashley said and laughed.

I looked at him and then back to the mirror.

– You're not too wrong – I shrugged.

Andy stopped doing his make up and looked at me.

– What? – he laughed.

I was going to answer but Jinxx came in the bus and we all put our eyes on him.

– What? – he asked after a moment of silence.

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