Preference: His Clothing Item On You

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His favorite clothing item of his on you-

Darry: His black t-shirts; You two have a drastic height difference, which makes his tight black shirts basically a dress on you. He thought you looked adorable walking around in one of them.

Dallas: His leather jacket; Not only does it look good on you, it marks you as his territory. Everyone knows you're Dallas Winston's, his jacket just added a little more of a threat.

Steve: His DX shirt; You worked with Steve, but when all of your work shirts were dirty they'd take a marker to one of Steve's shirts. They thought it was hilarious to change Steve to Steve's. You didn't mind, and Steve loved when everyone knew you were his.

Sodapop: His flannels; You thought they were the comfiest things in the whole wide world. Sometimes Pony would stay in the lot with Johnny and that meant you stayed with Soda throughout the night. When you woke up you'd walk around in one of his oversized flannels, it was Soda's weakness. He could barely contain himself seeing you in his flannels.

Two-Bit: His Mickey Mouse shirts; You always would sneak one on after staying the night with him, he didn't mind though. He loved seeing you bounce around in a pair of short shorts and his shirt.

Johnny: His jean jacket; Not only was it his favorite thing on you, it was your favorite thing on him. You always thought he looked tuff, and his confidence soared when you told him. If you two are laying in the lot he always would wrap you two up in it with him, and in the morning he'd slide it on your shoulders when he walked you home.

Ponyboy: His cutoff sweatshirts; You always felt tuff when you wore one, and Pony wasn't gonna stop you. He thought you looked adorable, but he also knew that you had physical strength. He'd just smile as you proudly sported one of his sweatshirts.

Well there's the first one! Anyways don't forget to vote and request imagines/preferences! ❤️

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