Preference: Proposal

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Darry: He was a stand up guy, he inherited his mother's wedding ring after she passed. The Curtis parents were prepared beforehand, there was a letter written to Darry telling him she wanted her ring passed on to the right girl. One night Soda went out with Steve while Pony stayed in the lot with Johnny.

"What is this Darry? I thought it was movie night." You questioned as you noticed the gang wasn't in the house.

"I thought we could have the house to ourselves." He grinned.

You two sat cuddled in his recliner, watching one of your favorite movies. Something seemed off and special about tonight.

You got up to get some more Pepsi and popcorn. When you stood at the counter Darry's arms wrapped around your waist and his head laid on your shoulder. A smile grew on your face and he sighed happily.

"I love you, you know that right?" Darry asked.

"Of course, and I love you." You replied easily.

"Then marry me." He blurted out and your heart stopped.

"What?" You asked as you spun to face him.

Just as your eyes met he kneeled to in front of you, holding his mother's ring up to you.

"Marry me Y/N, my mother always wanted me to give the right girl her ring. I'm confident you're the one for me, I want you by my side for the rest of my life." He grinned up at you.

Tears welled up as you smiled, nodding your head quickly. His smile grew as he slid the ring on your finger.

It fit perfectly, like it was made for you.

Dallas: Your hips swayed to the music, Buck's bar was basically a second home to you. Hands gripped your waist, a sliver band indicated it was Dally. A smile grew on your face and you turned around to connect your eyes with his.

"I couldn't help but notice how hot you looked." He told you with a smirk.

You rolled your eyes and connected your lips with his. Dally's hands pulled you against his body, his lips trailed to your neck as you danced against him. Dally's eyes lit up as your hands moved up to his hair.

"Upstairs, now." Dallas ordered and a smirk replaced your smile.

You swayed your hips and walked effortlessly through the crowd of people. Once upstairs you sat on the bed. Dallas closed the door and locked it, kicking his shoes off. He surprised you by sitting down and pulling you into his lap.

"I thought we were gonna fuck." You snorted and he laughed along.

You were facing him and straddling his waist, but the way Dallas was looking at you it was sexual.

"How'd I get so lucky?" He asked and brushed away some of your hair.

You shrugged with a smile on your face, Dally's eyes basically traced your face. Dallas Winston was known for coldness and you were known for warmth. His cold ring brought you back to reality, his hand traced over your cheek. "I'd never thought I'd do this?" He mumbled happily.

Confusion filled you, "Do what?" You asked.

"Be with someone, be in love with someone." Dallas smiled.

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