Sodapop Curtis Imagine - Requested (SMUT)

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Thank you @vintgge for requesting! I came up with this plot, and the smut is more detailed than my other works. LIKE WAYYYY MORE DETAILED Just a heads up! Also I'm writing this where dirty dancing is super popular

 LIKE WAYYYY MORE DETAILED  Just a heads up! Also I'm writing this where dirty dancing is super popular

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Emily's POV

I moved through the crowd of dancing people. Everyone was grinding up against each other, spilling drinks every now and again. That was just a normal Friday night party at Buck's. Once finally through all of the people, I grabbed myself a beer, sipping on it as I watched people pass by me.

"Hey, my friend thinks you're hot. He just doesn't think he's in your league, so that's why I'm here." A boy my age with a crooked smile informed me as he walked up to me.

I raised an eyebrow, "Don't you work at the DX?"

"Yes ma'am, my friend that likes you works with me." He smiled.

I nodded, taking a sip of my drink. "The one then Soc girls are always flippin' out about?" I asked.

The boy nodded, "He's the one over there." He pointed to a cute boy beside a couple of girls.

"Well when he's tired of arm candy, I'll be on the dance floor. Nice meeting you." I told the boy and spotted one of my friends in the crowd.

I danced along with her, chugging the rest of my beer and setting the bottle aside. I felt a finger tap my shoulder as my hips swayed. When I turned around I was face-to-face with the cute DX boy that couldn't talk to me.

"Sorry 'bout my friend." He yelled over the music.

"Don't worry, he was cool. Sucks you can't pick up chicks without him, though." I yelled back, he was slightly stunned by my statement.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Sodapop." He answered.

I nodded, "I'm Emily."

"Wanna dance?" I asked and he shot me a smile.

I took it as a yes when he placed a hand on my hip. He wasn't a bad dancer, pretty good actually. My hips met with his and we swayed to rhythm, Sodapop was more respectful than I though he'd be. He seemed like the type to just go for it and try to get into my pants, but he didn't try. My friend on the other hand, she was basically having sex on the dance floor. I wasn't gonna judge her, but she happened to be dancing with Sodapop's friend.

After two songs, Soda and I were laughing at our friends. "He looks like he's about to come in his pants!" I laughed as we walked outside.

"It's gettin' late, want me to walk you home?" Soda asked and I nodded.

"So maybe you can pick up your own chicks." I tell him and his smile grows.

"Steve didn't listen to me when I told him you were outta my league." He shrugged.

"Well I'm not and I think you're pretty cute." I told him.

"Cute? Just cute? I was hoping for at least hot." He faked a sad look.

"Nah, you're like a cute little puppy." I smiled at him.

"Well how do I prove I'm hot?" He raised an eyebrow at me as we approached my empty house.

A smirk replaced my smile, "I bet you'll figure it out, pretty boy."

"Wanna come in?" I asked as I unlatched the front gate.

"Sure," his smile basically glowed in the moonlight.

We walked inside and Soda pushed me against the front door, making it slam. "Am I still just cute?" He asked.

"Hmm, it'll take a little more convincing than just pushing me up against my front door." I smirked.

His blue eyes basically lit up as he pulled me in for a kiss. It was heated from the beginning, his hands pinned my own above my head and his body trapped mine against the door.

"How 'bout know?" He whispered into my ear before kissing down my neck.

"Keep tryin', pretty boy." I smirked, feeling his lips move to my exposed collar bone.

His hips moved against mine as he found my sweet spot. A moan fell from my lips, "Looks like you're getting somewhere, pretty boy." I told him.

Soda released my hands and I pulled him into a kiss. I felt his hands slide down my sides and to my hips, bringing them closer to his own. A groan vibrated against my lips and I smirked, "So are you gonna let me at least make it to my room, pretty boy?" I asked before placing quick kisses on his jaw.

I grabbed his hand and tugged him down the hall. Once we made it into my room, Soda pushed me down onto my bed.

"Eager much?" I asked him as one of his hands trailed up to my boob.

"Very, who wouldn't be?" He asked back and I laughed.

I connected my lips with his as he pulled my shirt up. His hands were slightly cold, making me shiver as they slid up my sides. Our hips met once again and I felt Soda's hard on brush against me. I tugged at his shirt and he quickly tossed it over his head. Soda pulled at my shirt and I pulled mine off, leaving me in just a skirt and heels. I kicked the shoes off and pulled Soda back down, one hand running over his chest. His lips moved down to the valley between my breast, continuing down my stomach.

Sodapop reached my waist, he tugged down my skirt. I sat up and undid the button on his jeans, he stood up and stripped to his boxers. I raked my eyes over his body, a bulge prominent in his boxers. Before I could do anything, Soda connected our lips and unclipped my bra. Once I tossed it over to the pile of clothes, he moved his lips to the new exposed skin. I laid back as he left kisses across my chest, occasionally making eye contact when a moan came out of my mouth.

His mouth trailed back down to my underwear, he pulled down the fabric and threw it into the pile of clothes. I felt a swipe of his tongue and a moan fell from my lips. "Have I hit hot yet?" He asked and before I could answer his tongue went across my heat.

He smirked as another moan came out of me, Soda continued to use his tongue. Before I knew it I was about to cum.

"Soda," I called out, well at least tried.

He hummed in response and I couldn't form words as he slid a two fingers in.

"You've hit hot." I got out before I came.

Soda moved to his jeans, but I told him to stop. I grabbed a condom from my drawer and tossed it to him.

"Well aren't you prepared?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

Soda tugged off his boxers and rolled the condom on. "Lay down." I told him as I sat up.

He didn't question me, he simply laid down and I straddled his waist. I lined him up and looked into his eyes, before I could move he pulled my hips down to his. Both of us let out moans as I moved. Soda flipped us, going at a faster past.

His hands held my hips down and I couldn't repeat most of the things he whispered in my ear. The only thing you could hear was our names and curses.

"Shit, I'm close." Soda panted out as he quickened his speed.

I felt myself get closer, and after another thrust I was done for. Soda came after me, lying down next to me.

"Round two?" I asked after I caught my breath and he just smiled back.


yo I hope this isn't complete shit and lives up to your expectations of my writing like FUCK I TRIED

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