Dallas Winton Imagine - Requested (SMUT)

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This is very detailed, warning you now. I have mostly -if not all- requests of smut, so there's gonna be a lot of smut coming out 😂

Thank you @iheartreadingx for requesting this one!

Also thank you all for 3k reads!

Your POV

You washed dishes in your empty house, your mother was at work.

"Y/N! Why's the door locked?" Dally's voice asked in annoyance.

"So creepers don't come in and rape me!" You yelled back, drying your hands off.

Once the door was unlocked, Dallas quickly pulled you into his arms. When no one was around Dal was pretty affectionate.

"Okay, okay. I'm happy to see you too, I need to finish up the dishes." You laughed as his lips tried to trail down your neck.

He let out a groan, but followed you into the kitchen. Dallas sat on the counter as you finished the dishes. After wiping your hands off, you placed a kiss on his lips. Dally had to lean down a bit and you had to stand on your tippy toes.

"I love you." You mumbled against his lips, you two had been together for a while.

He just hummed with an "I know." It was always like this, you knew he cared about you, but it hurt to not hear him say it back. It especially got to you now after how long you've been together.

You pulled away and went to the fridge. Grabbing a bottle of water, Dallas sighed from behind you.

"Am I unlovable?" You asked quietly, turning back to face him.

Dally's face was unreadable, his eyes cold as usual. "No." He stated.

"Then why don't you love me?" You continued to question him.

"I care about you." Dallas replied.

"I care about you too, I love you, Dallas. Why can't you love me?" You asked him, sorrow filled you.

"You don't love me." Dally basically scoffed.

All of the sorrow was overpowered by anger.

"I don't love you?" You scoffed back, "Really? Why would I sneak you into my room in the middle of the night? Why would I patch you up after a rumble? Why would I let you in? Jesus, Dal." You sighed.

He stared down at you while you thought over everything. You couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"Why me? Out of everyone on this planet why would you love me?" Dallas asked.

Your eyes met and you could tell he truly didn't understand.

"What's there not to love about you?" You fired back.

"A lot." He sighed and now you understood.

"You get me. No one understands me like you do." You began, "Who is always there ready to protect me?"

Dallas was only wearing jeans and a t-shirt, so your hands slid under the plain shirt and you pulled him closer.

"I love you, I love you because I know you're the one for me." Your speech continued as your hands slid against Dally's abdomen. His eyes were focused on you. Usually Dallas dominated over you, but he knew to let you lead.

"You make me feel sane and crazy all at the same time. Most of all you make me feel safe." You smiled, placing a kiss on his cheek.

He stayed still, but a small smile formed on his lips. You continued to place kisses across his jaw, pushing Dallas back against the counter. A groan fell from his lips as you began to push his shirt up. Dally quickly brought the shirt over his head and tossed it to the side. Your lips slowly moved down, hitting the cool metal of his dog tags every once in a while.

"Babe.." Dally groaned out.

"Shut up, let me show you I love you." You mumbled, quickly placing your lips on his before pressing against him.

He obliged as you pecked kisses down his chest once against, your hands fumbling with his belt. Dallas let out small moans and groans while you lowered yourself to your knees.

"Goddamnit Y/N, stop playin' around." He grumbled, making you laugh.

You unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants, this wasn't your first rodeo with Dal. Your eyes met with his, he didn't look so cold with a flushed face. You pulled his jeans down and a bulge strained against his boxers.

"I really do love you, Dal." You said, still looking up at him.

"Babe, I don't think that's somethin' you wanna say on your knees." He laughed and you just rolled your eyes before pulling his boxers down.

You didn't waste time going for it, taking most of Dallas in. You could hear him suck a sharp breath in as your head bobbed. Your hand moved in rhythm, Dally clearly enjoying it.

Quick cusses and your name was all that could be heard. Dally's head was tipped back and his face was blushed even more. You pulled away from him and his eyes shot open.

He was about to cuss for pulling away before he came, but when you licked up his shaft it shut him right up. Once you took him in your mouth again, he was about to come undone.

After sputtering out more cusses, you were quickly pushed up to your bedroom. When you two finished you laid into his side, half asleep.

"I love you," you mumbled out.

"I love you too."


I have tests and shit coming up so im tryna write as much as possible!

Also I hope this didn't suck ❤️

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