Sodapop Curtis Imagine

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"Wait! Wait!" Soda yelled as you were about to get out of the car

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"Wait! Wait!" Soda yelled as you were about to get out of the car.

Your eyebrow rose as your new husband ran to your door, opening it and pulling you to your feet. Before you could walk, you were picked up by Sodapop.

"Soda, you're so cheesy!" You laughed as he carried you bridal style to the steps.

You two originally planned on waiting to move into your own house, but you both fell in love with the run down house. Soda sat you on your feet in the doorstep.

"Welcome home Mrs. Curtis." He beamed and placed his lips on yours.

After moving all of your things in, Soda decided to start right away with fixing up the house.

"C'mon babe! Let's paint!" Sodapop grinned as he busted through the front door.

You laughed a bit and helped him set up all of the paint.

"Bright blue?" You asked him and his smile grew even wider.

Soda surprisingly got super focused on painting. You on the other hand, got bored with it. You ran the roller over Soda's back and he turned to you surprised. Once he saw you put the roller down and run, he quickly followed.

"Soda!" He caught you off of the stairs and twirled you around.

"Payback!" He laughed and pushed your back against the wet paint.

You two didn't finish painting that day.

Super short whoops 🤷🏼‍♀️

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