Johnny Cade Imagine - Requested (SMUT)

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Thank you slutformacchio likE THIS IS A REAAALLLY GOOD PLOT THANK YOU i didn't wanna use the gif from the last Imagine so here's a picture of Ralph Macchio in an Ohio State hoodie! I almost died when I saw this because your :) girl :) is :) from :) Ohio :)

Thank you slutformacchio likE THIS IS A REAAALLLY GOOD PLOT THANK YOU i didn't wanna use the gif from the last Imagine so here's a picture of Ralph Macchio in an Ohio State hoodie! I almost died when I saw this because your :) girl :) is :) from :...

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Alyssa's POV

I sat on the old patio swing on the Curtis' back porch, watching 6 of the 7 greasers wrestle around for a stupid football. Darry was finishing up dinner, I know he'd be joining them once he's done. The only reason they wouldn't just start up a game after dinner is because last weekend poor Two-Bit puked when he was tackled.

Johnny and Pony weren't usually the football type of guys, but boy were they competitive this game. All of the guys basically glowed in the sun because of how much sweat was coming off of them, it was a hot summer and these idiots wear black all year around.

Darry ran out to the yard, quickly grabbing the ball from Steve. Ponyboy hopped onto his eldest brother's back in attempt to slow him, but Darry barely flinched. I just smiled as Darry got a touch down. Finally dinnertime rolled around, when I stood up I was pulled into a hug by Johnny.

"Ew, you're sweaty!" I laughed as he laid his forehead onto my shoulder.

"Like sweat is gonna stop you two." Ponyboy teased and Two-Bit high-fived him for the joke.

"Well Pony, sweat usually isn't there till you're half way through the deed. Did they not teach you that in health?" I asked him and he rolled his eyes as we all walked into the kitchen.

I had to pry Johnny off of me so I could get my food and sit down. He placed a kiss on my cheek, and another lower near my jaw. Johnny only did that when he was in that mood. A small smirk fell onto my lips and we all began eating. Johnny and I sat at the head of the table because that was the only way we could all fit at the table.

While we ate, I placed my hand on Johnny's knee. He quickly turned to look at me and I just smiled at him. Johnny knows what I'm doing, and it's not like it's the first time this has happened either.

Johnny and I had both stayed in the Curtis' guest room, separately and together. I refused to let Johnny drag me into one of the brothers' rooms simply because of how rude and gross it is to get it on in your buddy's room.

As my hand slid higher, Johnny stopped it.

"Later." He whispered in my ear and I just smirked.

Dinner went by pretty fast, everyone dispersed to their own thing. Pony was on the back porch reading while the other guys went out for a party at Buck's. All of the other guys beside Johnny, of course. Johnny pulled me into the spare room and connected our lips in a kiss.

"Why do you gotta always be like that at dinner? I almost dragged you back here right then and there." He smirked, pulling my shirt off of my head.

When I met Johnny he was small and timid, after he asked me out he started to come out of his shell. He didn't seem so small anymore.

"You were basically asking for it." I laugh before pulling him into a kiss.

Johnny quickly lost his shirt and we both kicked our shoes off. I plopped back onto to the bed and Johnny hovered over me. A smile grew on my lips before I placed small kisses down his jaw and neck. Johnny's hands slid up my sides and around to my back, quickly undoing my bra. He tossed it to the pile of shirts and his hands went to the exposed skin. A moan left my mouth when one of the hands had trailed down into my pants.

I felt Johnny's smirk against my neck as my breathing got heavier, his fingers moving faster. I reached down and started undoing Johnny's pants, well basically fumbled in attempt.

"Shit, Johnny." I moaned out as I felt a bundle of nerves release.

I connected our lips once again and undid my own jeans. Johnny pulled both of our jeans away and I flipped us. He looked a little surprised when began moving my hips against his.

"Is there a condom in your jeans?" I asked and he quickly nodded.

I got up and pulled the packet from his jeans, tugging his boxers off. I rolled the condom on and took my own underwear off. Before I could do anything Johnny flipped us and took me by surprise.

"Shh, Pony probably knows we're fucking now." I laughed as Johnny let out a loud moan.

"Well he can plug his ears." Johnny sighed as he pulled out completely.

I was about to complain when he slammed back in, making me moan louder than he did. "What happened to being quiet, huh?" He asked as he quickened his pace.

I would've given him a reply if I wasn't trying to be quieter. My hands tangled into Johnny's hair as he kept a quick speed. Once Johnny found the right spot, we were both done for. Neither of us were quiet when it came to sex.

After we finished, we dressed ourselves and walked out of the room.

"I swear to god if you two don't wash those sheets I will burn them and send you two to church for your sins!" Ponyboy called from the kitchen and I turned around to grab the blankets off the bed.



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can we discuss pony in this gif becAUSE I AM VERY ATTRACTED TO IT AND IDK WHY LIKE FUCJ

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