Dallas Winton Imagine - Requested

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This is sort of a part two thing to the last requested Imagine, it just has the same characters. Thank you for requesting. 💞 I HOPE THIS DOESNT SUCK
also peep the new cover holla

 💞 I HOPE THIS DOESNT SUCKalso peep the new cover holla

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Zevah's POV:

"C'mon Zev!" Dallas yelled and I rolled my eyes.

I slid my shoes on and pushed my hair out of my face. "Calm yourself Dal." I strutted out of my house and right past him.

A felt a hand slap on my ass and I turned my head to see Dally with a smirk. "You're gonna have to buy me popcorn before you get this ass." I smirked back and he laughed.

I heard a whistle and Two-Bit's head popped out of the car window. "Damn Zev!" He yelled and I laughed a little, doing a full spin to show off my entire outfit.

"Backseat Two!" Dally yelled and Two mumbled swears as he hopped into the back seat.

We were meeting up with the rest of the gang, so we parked the car and found the whole in the fence of the drive-in.

"Ladies first." Two grinned and I happily slid into the drive-in, barely waiting for the two greasers to tunnel through.

I spotted Johnny and Ponyboy, Steve and Soda were dirty talking to a girl. I could tell by the blush on her face and the smirk on Steve's. I hopped over a row of chairs and landed beside Johnny, scaring him slightly.

"Sorry Johnnycakes. Say, do you have a smoke on ya?" I asked and he handed me a cancer stick.

"Thank you my good man." I smiled at him and lit the cigarette.

Soon the cigarette was taken out of my fingers and I was about to yell, but it was Dal who took it.

"Don't cha' think you should lay off of these?" He asked, sitting next to me.

"Ask yourself that." I took the cigarette back and Dally's arm fell around my shoulders.

I quickly got bored of the movie and my cigarette had burned out, so I decided to walk around. Two was flipping skirts up and I wasn't about to take apart in that, Steve and Soda had found themselves some girls and I didn't wanna deal with greaser girls. I felt a hand wrap around my waist and it happened to be Dallas.

"You want popcorn?" He asked and I laughed.

"Maybe later." I shrugged with a smile.

"Hey Zev, would ya like to be my girl?" He asked out if nowhere.

It's not like it mattered anyways, girls all over town were pissed that I had earned the title already. Dallas always got mad when another guy flirted with me, but I never paid it much attention.

"Sure Dal." I grinned at him.

"I know relationships aren't really your thing, so if you want out I'll understand." He informed me.

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