Johnny Cade Imagine - Requested

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Okay just some of the gang members end up kissing each other beCAUSE WHY FUCKIN NOT thank you @Autum04rayn for requesting!

Okay just some of the gang members end up kissing each other beCAUSE WHY FUCKIN NOT thank you @Autum04rayn for requesting!

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Autum's POV

The whole gang and I were holding a party in the Curtis house. I was three beers in when Steve called for spin the bottle. Everyone was too drunk to care and most of us sat in a circle. Two chugged down a beer and sat the bottle down in the middle of the circle.

Darry was first to spin, he had dropped his father figure status when the alcohol got to him. I laughed when it stopped on Two-Bit. No one really cared, it was just a game.

Darry let out a groan as Two-Bit crawled over to him, "C'mere Dare-Bear." He grinned and Darry quickly pecked Two on the lips.

I laughed and almost fell into Soda. Which he got pretty mad when Dally spun and landed on the broad he'd been talking up. The game continued and Ponyboy landed on Evie, which he declined as fast as he could. Then Johnny spun and it landed on me.

"It's your lucky day, Johnny!" Dallas laughed and Johnny's face burned up.

I raised an eyebrow at Dallas, "Oh c'mon Autum, you seriously don't notice Johnny always gawking at ya?" Steve asked me.

I looked over at Johnny, his eyes flicked back to mine as he nervously played with his hands. The liquid courage got to me -after taking a chug from my bottle of course- and I crawled over to Johnny.

He looked up at me and I pulled him into a kiss, the whole gang hollering around us.

"Get some, Johnnycakes!" Ponyboy yelled as he walked into the kitchen for another beer.

When we pulled away, Ponyboy stumbled back in. "Here ya go man." He tossed a condom into Johnny's lap and I laughed.

Johnny's face lit up red again and I picked up the condom, stuffing it in my pocket. The smirk that I wore made Johnny's face turn an even darker red. I stood up and went to sit back in my place in the circle when a hand pulled me. I was faced to Johnny as he tugged me to the backyard.

"They're gonna think we're fucking, you know." I laughed as we sat on the steps of the back porch.

Johnny shrugged and a small smile grew on his face. "I do like you." He told me.

"I like you too, Johnnycakes." I smiled at him.

"Would you wanna go out tomorrow night, you know after the hangovers pass?" Johnny asked, laughing.

"Of course." I grin.

"Ha, you owe me Dal! They ain't fuckin' yet!" Ponyboy slurred from the screen door.

"C'mon, man! How have you not gotten into her pants yet, Johnny? Now I gotta shell out $20 to a 13 year old!" Dallas groaned.

"I am 14, you idiot! I have been 14 since my birthday and for your information, man, I have a higher IQ than you!" Ponyboy huffed out at Dally.

"What are we gonna do with them?" I ask Johnny and he laughed.

"What's an IQ?" Dally asked.

"Oh geez, you're lucky you're pretty, Dal." Ponyboy sighed and I just shook my head at the two.

I laid my head on Johnny's shoulder and we listened to the two drunken idiots.

"Aw Pone, ya think I'm pretty?" Dallas asked.

"I don't know if they're gay or just drunk." Johnny whispered and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I don't care, it's funny." I said and placed a kiss on Johnny's cheek.

He smiled over at me once before he pulled me into another kiss, "Ew! Don't fuck on my porch!" Pony yelled and I had to pull away from Johnny I was laughing so hard.



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