Ponyboy Curtis Imagine -- Requested

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MY FRIEND REQUESTED THIS SO BUCKLE UP BITCHES YOURE IN FOR A RIDEEEE also ponyboy is like 16 in this because it'll make more sense trust me

MY FRIEND REQUESTED THIS SO BUCKLE UP BITCHES YOURE IN FOR A RIDEEEE also ponyboy is like 16 in this because it'll make more sense trust me

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I sat at the kitchen table in the Curtis house, Ponyboy and I had just finished up whatever homework we had.

"So, Y/N, if I win you gotta take your shirt off. If I lose I'll take mine off." Pony smirked as I shuffled the deck of cards.

"Hell no! Ponyboy Curtis, do I look like the type to strip?" I asked and began dealing the cards.

"I would like to see you strip." He shrugged.

"Maybe in your dreams." I stuck my tongue out at him and he mimicked me.

I ended up winning, Ponyboy kinda sucks at card games.

"So, when are you gonna let me take you out on a date?" He asks and gathers all of the cards.

"When you ask nicely." I answered.

"Well then Y/N, may I take you out this Friday?" Ponyboy asks with a hopeful tone.

"Sure Pone," I smile at him.

Friday finally rolled around, I didn't really know where we were going so I just put on a nice dress that matched my converse. I heard a knock at the door, I ran as soon as I heard it. I didn't want my mother opening it.

"Hey Pony." I grin.

"You look amazing, ready to go?" He asks, Pony looked a little more clean cut than usual.

"Yeah, hold on," I say and then peek my head into the living room, "Mom, I'm goin' out with Ponyboy."

"Have fun, be home before midnight." She waved me off and I walked out with Ponyboy.

Darry had lent Pony the truck for the night, we drove a little ways into the country and parked near a hill. Ponyboy got out, grabbing a basket and blanket from the bed of the truck.

"Well c'mon." Pony smiled and we walked up the small hill.

"How'd you find this place?" I asked as I looked down at the view from the hill.

"I was drivin' one night with Johnny and we found this hill. We came up here and talked about life. This is where I realized I liked you." He explains, a smile growing on his face.

"Well thank you for bringing me." I smile at him.

We ate and talked about anything. It was nice, it wasn't cold and it wasn't super hot.

"I can't wait till we graduate, then I can finally get out of this town." Ponyboy sighed as he laid back onto the blanket.

"Same, where are you planning on going?" I asked and laid down next to him.

"Somewhere away from Tulsa." He laughed.

"I like Florida, or somewhere else warm." I told him and he pulled me into his side.

"That sounds nice." Ponyboy noted as the sun began to set.

It was around 10 o'clock now, we packed everything up and we sat in the truck. I got bold and pulled Ponyboy into a kiss. He took it a step further and placed his hand on my knee. When I felt it rose I stopped it.

"Pone... I don't know if I'm ready, and in a car?" I asked and he gave me a smile.

"I care about you, trust me on this." Ponyboy insured me, and I did trust him.

I pulled him into a kiss again, this time it was more heated. Ponyboy's lips moved to my neck and a small moan fell from my lips. Pony grinned, his hands relaxed onto my hips. I wasn't completely sure what to do, so I let Pony lead. He pulled me so I was straddling his lap.

Ponyboy's hands moved to my thighs, he kept them there for a moment before I tugged his shirt off and tossed it to the floor. I moved my hips by accident and Pony let out a groan.

My face turned red, but I began rocking my hips back and forth. Ponyboy began to moan and I smirked. He moved us to that I was leaned up against the window, my dress hiked up and Ponyboy looked up at me for approval. I simply nodded and Pony's hand pulled away my underwear. I could feel my face heat up even more. My lips connected with Pony's as one of his fingers slid down me. I gasped and he just laughed lightly.

I felt him enter his finger, moving at a steady pace. Small moans fell from my lips as he began going faster. Another finger entered me and my head tipped to the side as my mouth fell open.

"Y/N, you ready?" Ponyboy asks as he slows his pace.

I nod, hearing the wrapper of what I assumed was a condom. It was long before Pony was lining himself up. Ponyboy asked for consent one last time, which I told him I was ready. Everyone made out the first time to be painful, but once I adjusted to his size I was fine.

"Move, Pony." I moaned out quietly.

He groaned as he began moving quicker. Both of our moans mixing together as he moved faster and faster. My hands gripped his shoulders as he finally hit my g-spot. A load moan came from my throat as he repeatedly hit the spot.

My nails dig at his back as the nerves built up higher and higher. Ponyboy could tell I was getting closer, he was too. Finally, we both came.

"Do you think they'll notice that we had sex?" Pony panted out as I tried to fix my wild hair.

"Maybe, it was worth it though." I smiled lazily before pecking a kiss on his lips.

oh my god, this is the last imagine I'll be writing in this book. :(

if i get bored I might come back and write some more cliche shit you never know


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