Dallas Winston Imagine - Requested (SMUT)

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Here's another Dallas Smut request, thank you @dreamy_daae for requesting! (If you don't want your user tagged into this then just message me!) I hope this doesn't suck! This barely scrapes Smut, it's mostly just flirting and touching lmao

Here's another Dallas Smut request, thank you @dreamy_daae for requesting! (If you don't want your user tagged into this then just message me!) I hope this doesn't suck! This barely scrapes Smut, it's mostly just flirting and touching lmao

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Gracie's POV

"Hey doll, wanna come back to Buck's for a party later?" Dallas asked as he grabbed a drink from the fridge.

"Sure Dal." I smiled, which it turned more into a smirk.

His hand grazed over my hip before he walked into the living room, we were at the Curtis house like usual. Darry needed help on dinner and I was always happy to help the gang. Dallas and I have been going out for a couple months, Two and Soda still like to pick on me a bit though.

After dinner I went home to get ready, then went back to the Curtis house. "Damn Gracie!" Soda hollered, earning a slap from Darry while Two-Bit whistled at me.

I simply spun around to show off my tight outfit, Steve joined in on the hollering.

"That's my girl, you dickheads." Dallas narrowed his eyes at the three, slapping Two on the back of the head.

A small laugh fell from my lips before Dally pulled me under his arm. "I'm ready to dance, let's go." I grinned, Dally's hand started to trail down the curve of my back.

"See you guys tomorrow," I bid the gang.

"Don't forget a condom!" Ponyboy yelled after us and Dallas started laughing.

Once at Buck's, I hopped out of Dally's car and attempted to walk away from the car. I was quickly pulled back against the side of the vehicle.

"Don't dance with any guys." Dallas ordered, trapping my body with his.

"What if I do?" I asked, my eyebrow raised.

"I'll kick their ass and then I'll take you up to my room and show you who is allowed to touch ya. You dig?" He asked me in a low voice.

"Well we'll see," I smirked, placing small kisses on his neck.

A groan fell out of his lips and he gripped my hips. "I wanna go dance." I stated and he reluctantly let me walk into Buck's.

I didn't need to drink, I hated alcohol. So once I spotted Angela dancing I rushed over to her. I had been friends with her since grade school.

"Hey!" She greeted and I smiled.

I greeted her back and we danced around the floor. Dallas basically watched me like a hawk. I moved towards him, pulling him out of his bar stool and against me.

"C'mon," he whined, "I don't like dancin' that much."

"Suck it up, buttercup." I told him and swayed my hips along to the beat.

Dally quickly followed and started dancing, "You're such a liar, you totally like dancing." I teased at him.

He rolled his eyes and continued to dance against me. I definitely didn't mind. Angela threw up two thumbs up at me and I laughed slightly before Dally tugged me off of the dance floor. I wasn't surprised that he was wanting to go upstairs.

When we got to his room, I laid myself on the bed. I basically lived in the room, Dally straddled my waist and placed his lips on mine.

"You know why I don't want you dancing with other guys?" He asked before leaving kisses on my neck.

"Because I'm your's?" I guessed, turning my head to expose more of my neck.

"That mostly, but I get so fucking mad seein' other people touch you." He answered.

"I don't like when people touch what's mine." He added and moved down to my collar bone.

I smiled and began to run my hands through his hair.

"Now how come girls can gawk over you and I'm not allowed to get mad?" I questioned.

"You're allowed to get mad, at them just not me." He smirked, "There's only one girl I like touchin' and that's you."

A smile fell onto my lips and I felt Dally's hips press down on mine. I bet down on my lip and Dally smirked down at me.

"Maybe dancing ain't so bad, we should dance more." He grinned, pulling at my shirt.

I'd definitely be getting Dallas to dance with me more.

This is pretty short, sorry about that! I'm pretty tired :/

I think I'll be writing a Johnny Imagine next? Y'all are sleeping on Pony, Darry, Two, and Steve oml. Like I LIVE for a good Steve Imagine 😂

I want someone to look at me like Steve looks at that goddamn cake

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I want someone to look at me like Steve looks at that goddamn cake

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