Steve Randle Imagine - Requested (SMUT)

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YES. LETS NOT SLEEP ON MY BOY 👏🏻👏🏻 thank you @iheartreadingx for requesting this one! I went for a jealous ass Steve on this one and yES I AM HERE FOR IT

 LETS NOT SLEEP ON MY BOY 👏🏻👏🏻 thank you @iheartreadingx for requesting this one! I went for a jealous ass Steve on this one and yES I AM HERE FOR IT

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"Hey guys," I smiled as I walked into the busy Curtis residence.

My older brother was already here, like always, focused on Mickey Mouse with a beer in his hand.

"Wow, Two. Beer before breakfast?" I asked him and he gave me a smile.

"You betcha', sis." He raised the bottle in the air before taking a chug from it.

Two-Bit was the reason I hung around the gang, I always have since I was little. I was Two-Bit's annoying kid sister, Ponyboy and I were in the same boat. Except, I made Darry mad and he made Steve mad. When Two-Bit and Darry would hangout I went off with Soda and Steve, not like it bothered me any. Darry got over his childhood hatred for me, Steve on the other hand still hates Pony. It'll be easier when Ponyboy gets older, hopefully.

"Hey Y/N," Soda greeted me as he went on a wild hunt for his pants.

I raised an eyebrow at the middle Curtis brother, he was only wearing a towel. "Morning, Soda." I replied, laughing a bit before sitting in Darry's recliner.

Steve leaned against the door frame, shoveling cake down his throats while my older brother sat on the floor in front of me. The DX worker had a glare full of hatred, his jaw locked as he stared off into space.

"Hey Steve, you okay?" I asked, tapping his arm to get his attention.

He broke his gaze and looked down, "I'm peachy." His voice came out muffled from the cake in his mouth.

A grin formed on my lips and I shook my head, whatever you say dude. I sighed, "I'm bored."

"Go work at the DX, you always have fun with Soda and Steve." Two waved me off.

I shrugged and looked up at Steve, he gave me a toothy -and chocolate cake filled- grin. I laughed and decided that I might as well go, the manager doesn't care if I pick up shifts or not.

"Hey Two," I began and Two-Bit let out a groan, "I think I'm gonna actually work at the DX, you guys think the manager would let me?" I asked Soda and Steve.

"Yeah, he likes you." Soda nodded as he pulled a white shirt over his head.

"C'mon Soda, you're makin' me late too." Darry huffs and I grab Soda's extra DX shirt.

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