Preference: Mornings

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Darry: You always woke to a ruckus, if you were lucky Darry would still be beside you. Most of the time he was trying to keep the gang down.

"Goddamnit, Y/N is sleeping!" Darry yelled as you walked out in one of his t-shirts.

Dallas: Dally was always weird with you leaving at night, but never liked showing that he wasn't completely tuff. You woke up in his bed at Buck's, Dallas always sat in a chair with a cigarette hanging between his lips.

"Wanna go to the Curtis house?" He'd ask as you searched his room for last night's clothing.

Sodapop: Ponyboy usually crashed on the couch so Soda could cuddle up with you. Every morning you woke up to Soda pulling you even closer.

"Morning Soda." You grinned.

"Good morning beautiful." He smiled back, placing kisses on your neck.

"No sex! Get up and moving!" Darry yelled, busting open the door and making Soda groan.

Steve: When his old man was out Steve always got you to stay over, and you two had to wake up super early so his dad wouldn't catch you.

"Ugh, I don't want you to leave." He complained as you tried to get up again.

"Your dad might get home soon babe, I can't." You sighed.

As you predicted, the front door opened and closed. Steve's eyes got wide and you hopped up.

Two-Bit: If you two hadn't stayed at the Curtis house and was woken up by the gang, you were woken up by Two's little sister.

"Get out!" Two yelled as his little sister chanted.

"Keith and Y/N sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" She giggled while Two groaned.

"First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage!" She finished and hopped on the bed.

"So marriage is next?" Two asked you, making you smile.

"Can I be the flower girl?" She asked excitedly.

"Of course." Two-Bit grinned, pulling you closer.

Johnny: You two both had bad home life, so the lot was a sanctuary. Neither one of you wanted to disturb the Curtis residence, so the lot it was.

"Babe, Y/N, wake up." Johnny whispered, shaking you slightly.

You never liked waking up early, but you'd do anything for Johnny.

"Come on, the sun is about to rise." He laughed quietly, you just groaned and tried to get closer to him.

You finally opened your eyes and Johnny smiled down at you. "Fine." You smiled and turned to look up at the sky.

Ponyboy: Darry rarely let you stay over, but when he did Pony was ecstatic. You two had to sleep on the couch. Darry's stone cold eyes and threats were enough to scare you two out of anything but cuddling. You always woke up to Pony combing his fingers through your hair.

"Good morning." You yawned with a smile.

Pony would always grin back and grab his book, you two always woke up super early. Ponyboy would read to you while you got up and cooked breakfast.

"Why don't we ever let Y/N stay? This is amazing!" Soda exclaimed as he ate his breakfast.

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