Dallas Winston Imagine - Requested

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Thank you anotherscripturient for requesting 💞
also, sorry if this sucks

Thank you anotherscripturient for requesting 💞also, sorry if this sucks

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Zevah's POV :

I snapped my gum as I walked up to the DX, "Hey pretty thang, how about you come home with me?" Two-Bit asked me.

I rolled my eyes and walked towards him. "Only of you take me out to dinner first."

I knew the gang since I was little, Soda and Steve where two of my best friends growing up. The two introduced me to the whole gang, which most of the gang liked to mess with me. I didn't mind it one bit, I loved goofing around with them. Two-Bit's hand slid around my waist and I laughed.

"C'mon Two." Dallas groaned while Two-Bit and I goofed around.

"You jealous of somethin'?" Two asked and I raised an eyebrow at Dally.

The brunette greaser rolled his eyes, leaning against a beam and lighting a cigarette. Soda and Steve were working on a car as we all talked. I wasn't sure where Johnny and Pony were, but maybe they'd show up.

"How was the cooler, Zev?" Soda asked.

"Just like every other time. I would've gotten away if my shoe wasn't untied." I rolled my eyes.

"Guess ya should've tied them before you decide to rob a liquor store." Dally laughed.

I punched his arm lightly and snapped my gum again. "If you behave well the they let you out early." I smile.

The guys laughed and Two finally let me out of his grasp.

"So there's a party tonight at Buck's, who's coming?" Dallas asked.

"I'm always there." I told him and he nodded with a smirk.

"I'll come." Two added.

"Darry would skin me if he caught me at Buck's." Soda groaned and I laughed at him.

"Steve? You gonna join?" I asked and he shrugged.

"I might as well, someone's gotta keep Two-Bit company while Dally undresses you with his eyes." Steve smirked and I laughed once more.

"Shut it, Randle." Dallas huffed.

"Why would Dally undress me with his eyes when he could actually do it if he asked nicely?" I asked, a smirk fell on my lips as I started to walk away from the greasers.

My eyes caught Dally's, his famous smirk laying on his own lips.

"I'll pick you up later!" He yelled and I nodded, walking away with a wide grin.

I always loved hanging with the guys, I never really liked one of them though. Dallas and I had messed around from time to time, but I was known for being too wild to be held down. Everyone knew that I didn't love anyone, I cared for myself and the gang. They were the closest thing to a family for me, but I didn't love people. I don't remember ever loving anyone.

"Hey Zev!" I heard Pony yell, the guys always called me by my nickname.

"Heya kid, what trouble are you gettin' into?" I asked as Pony and Johnny walked beside me.

"Should I be asking you that?" Pony asked back and I laughed.

"You wanna see a movie with Johnny and I tonight?" He added.

"Can't, I'm going to Buck's with some of the guys." I shrugged as we started down my street, nearing my house.

"With Dal?" Johnny asked, a small grin appearing.

I tossed my arm around his neck and messed up his hair, "Don't worry about who I'm goin' with." I teased and started walking up to my front porch.

"So you are gonna go with Dally!" Pony yelled and I nodded with a smile.

I walked into my empty house and got ready. I threw on a pair of jeans and a plain shirt, my lips covered in red lipstick.

"Zev! Let's go! I'm gonna leave with out ya!" Dallas yelled from the front porch.

I rolled my eyes and met with him on the porch.

"Calm down Winston, don't get your granny panties in a twist." I laughed and made my way to his car.

When we got to Buck's Two-Bit and Steve were already there, trying to smooth talk a couple of girls.

"Steve, I don't think these nice girls are digging your crooked grin." I teased Steve, taking a cigarette from Dallas.

Steve shoved me lightly and I sent him a playful glare. I placed the cancer stick between my lips and lit it with the lighter I always carried.

I joined a game of pool, I was winning for once. Dallas was making some girl blush and I was flirting with some guy I met. When I felt the guy get a little too friendly I glared up at him.

"I think it'd be smart if you remove that hand and go on your merry way." I told him and moved away from him.

"You waitin' for me?" Dally asked me with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes, "In your dreams, Dal."

"Actually I did have a dream about that once." He informs me.

"It was a pretty wild dream, wish you could've seen it." Dallas continued as I swayed my hips to the music, waiting for my turn.

"How do you know I haven't had the same dream?" I asked him and he was slightly surprised.

"You're dreaming about me now, Zev?" He retaliated.

"I could ask you the same thing, Dal." I smirk and he nods.

"Dal we can see your boner from here! Why don't ya just take her upstairs already?" A drunk Two-Bit yelled from the bar, making me laugh.

"Yeah Dal, why don't ya just take her upstairs already?" I asked him and a reckless grin appearing on his face.

I wasn't scared to dirty talk like the guys, of course I wasn't as good at it as Dal. I've gotten guys to blush at my unfiltered vocabulary though, and that was an accomplishment to me.

The gang always thought I was like Dallas. I had been down at the station almost as much as him and I didn't stay in relationships long. I knew Dallas and I would probably never have a normal relationship, that's if we were to actually go out. I didn't love, and neither did he. I was content with the way it was, we both knew that we could never love. That didn't stop everyone from calling me Dallas Winston's girl, and Dallas Winston never denied it.

I hope this was okay, I tried 😬
Anyone can request anything! Message me which greaser, name of character (if wanted), if you want it clean or smut, and a little bit of a description of what you want the storyline to be!
I honestly don't care, I'll write mostly anything lmao

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