Preference: When He's Jealous

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Darry: Darry was pretty calm and mature, for the most part. You had to remind yourself that your boyfriend was still in his early twenties and very immature at times. He absolutely hated when guys looked at you.

"Y/N, come on. Let's go." He whined as you walked to his truck, you had just gotten off your shift at The Dingo.

"What's your deal, Dare?" You asked him as you slid into the truck.

"Some guy was staring at your ass the whole time ya walked out." He complained and you laughed.

"It ain't funny, how did you not notice?" He continued to be mad, and pouted like a five year old.

"Sorry I was too focused on my boyfriend to notice random guys." You told him.

He cracked a grin and pulled you into a kiss.

"You act like a five year old when you're jealous." You added when the kiss ended.

"I was not jealous!" He argued and you just sighed, here we go again.

Dallas: There's one thing that pissed Dallas off: flirting with his girl. There's one thing that infuriated Dallas: when you'd flirt back. When you did this he knew you were only riling him up, you knew if he got jealous that would lead to going up to his room.

"Well hey there little lady." A tipsy man smiled down at you as you danced, Dally had refused to dance with you once again.

"I'm Winston's girl." You told him and it clearly didn't phase him.

You turned to look at Dally, his eyes were trained on you as your hips swayed to the music. You gave him a wink before the man continued to try sweet talking you. Just to piss Dallas off you lightly flirted back, but continually telling the guy that you already had a boyfriend.

"Why don't ya come back with me?" He asked and tried to grab at your waist, you moved a good distance away from him before he could touch you.

"I don't think my boyfriend would appreciate it." You shrugged and continued dancing.

"Well he don't have to know." He smirked and a disgusted expression fell on your face.

"Thanks, but no thanks." You tried to walk away, but he grabbed your waist.

You let out a slight yelp when you were aggressively pulled back against him. Your face showing disinterest and disgust.

That's when you heard a crash and loud footsteps. Dallas pulled you out of the guy's arms and he grabbed the man by his collar.

"Don't ever lay a hand on my girl." Dallas gritted through his teeth.

The tipsy man quickly got the idea and ran off, that's when Dallas turned to you. "Why do you go and do shit like that?" He asked, still infuriated.

"I kept tellin' him I was your's, but he wouldn't let up." You shrugged, pressing yourself up against Dallas and running a hand up his side.

"I'm still mad." He sighed and a small smirk grew on your face.

"Want me to make it up to you?" You asked him and he thought about it for a second before pulling you up the steps to his room.

Sodapop: Usually it was you who was jealous, considering he was so good looking. Soda was such a jealous guy, he didn't even like you sitting near Steve, Two-Bit, or Dally.

"Hiya, how may I help you?" You asked the Soc that had walked into the DX, you worked the counter.

"A buddy told me there was a pretty girl working here, so I had to come and see her." He smiled at you and you gave him a polite smile.

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