Dallas Winston Imagine - Requested

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Becca's POV

I strolled up to the Curtis residence, I reached to my back pocket for a smoke. With my luck I had left my pack at home. I sighed and walked into the house, the screen door slamming behind me.

"Well Becca's here." Pony noted from the kitchen, making me laugh.

"The one and only." I smirked walking into the kitchen.

Soda, Steve, and Darry were working. Two-Bit was probably out hunting action, and you never really knew where Dally was. Johnny and Pony sat at the table playing cards.

"Where's Dal?" Johnny asked me.

"Hell if I know, I ain't his babysitter." I answered, plopping into one of the chairs.

"But you are his girl, wouldn't you like to know where he is?" Pony asked me.

"I saw him before school today, he was alive and not in jail. If he wants to see me, he can come find me." I shrug and Pony nods.

"Dal, you're getting annoying. Shut the hell up about Becca, just tell her ya love her already." Two's voice spoke from the front door.

"Shut it Two, I don't love anyone. I am a stone cold greaser." Dallas grumbled.

"Yeah, that's exactly why you snuck into my room last night. Not because you were cold and wanted to cuddle." I called out, making Two-Bit laugh his ass off.

"C'mon, why'd you gotta bring that up? What did I ever do to you?" Dallas whined as he sat next to me.

A smirk grew on my face as I kicked my legs up onto Dally's lap, I simply shrugged and he rolled his eyes.

After sitting at the Curtis house for a while, Dally started complaining about being bored. He got up and tugged at my hand so I'd follow him out. "Bye guys!" I called behind me as Dallas grabbed my hand.

"Big bad Dallas is holdin' my hand, I'm flattered. Thought a tuff guy like you were too cool for that." I teased.

He let go of my hand and threw his arm around my shoulders, "You get on my nerves." Dallas said as he pulled me closer to him.

"You get on mine, but you don't see me complaining." I smirk at him.

"I get on your nerves? C'mon, man, I'm a blessing to be around." Dallas smirked back.

"Yeah, okay Dal. Keep thinkin' that babe." I laugh as we walk towards Buck's.

"Uh, you're not mad about the whole love thing?" Dallas asks me.

"I came into this relationship knowing that you weren't one to love." I told him, "Of course I'd be over the moon if you loved me, but I'm not gonna force you."

After multiple drinks, I pulled Dally to his room. He was buzzed and he plopped onto his bed, laughing.

"Hey Beck... Becks... Becca... Rebecca." Dally's words slurred slightly.

"Dal, my name isn't Rebecca." I rolled my eyes and he pulled me into his arms.

"You know, drunk words are sober thoughts." He stated.

"I'm scared." Dallas continued.

"Why?" I asked, my eyes focusing on him.

"I'm in love with you and I'm scared you'll leave me." He smiled, I could see he was sort of sad about it.

I was taken back, "C'mon Dal.. don't fuck with me."

"I ain't fuckin' with ya, at least not yet. I love you and I'm scared about it. What if you leave like the others, or find someone better?" He asked me.

"Dallas I'm not leaving you."

The next morning Dallas remembered the conversation, confirming that he did love me.

"I didn't think it was possible." He smiled.

"Anything is possible babe." I grinned back, pecking his lips.

"I love you, I've loved you since I met you. I'm just so goddamn scared." He sighed.

"I'm not gonna leave you." I smile at him.

"I love you too." I add and his eyes lit up.

Let me just tell you, when the guys accidentally heard Dallas say "I love you" they flipped out. Two-Bit made way too many jokes about it, but the guys were so happy.


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