Preference: You Hear Him Describing You

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You overhear him talking to about you to the gang -

Darry: Darry had invited you over to meet the gang, most importantly his two kid brothers. You baked a cake and walked to Darry's. You had been there a couple of times, but Darry always drove you home before the gang showed. "Don't be rude to her. I really like her, she's so sweet and I could see a future with her." Darry sighed.

"Well you never being girls around, so I bet this one is real special Superman." One of them assured your boyfriend.

You finally walked up with a small grin.

"Y/N! You look beautiful! Meet the gang." Darry's eyes lit up and he threw his arm around your shoulders.

The gang really liked you, but I think that's just because you made really good cake.

Dallas: The gang had known you just as long as Dally had. You were the flag girl at the drag races that Soda and Steve attended, you helped around the library that Ponyboy dragged Johnny to, your older brother worked with Darry. You occasionally brought lunch for your brother and would make conversation with Darry. Dally knew you from Buck's, where you'd whip everyone in pool. Two-Bit always hung around Buck's, and you shared the same humor as him.

"So ya like Y/N?" I heard Johnny ask Dallas in a hushed voice.

It was weird to see Dallas Winston in the library, but you kept quiet. You always had a soft spot for the tuff greaser.

"She's not like any of the other girls I've been with, man." Dallas smirked.

"You two ain't even been on a date." Pony laughed.

"I haven't asked her yet, sides why would a sweet gal like her want a hood like me?" He rolled his eyes.

"She's just so pretty man, I've never felt like this about a girl." He sighed happily.

You turned the corner of the book shelf, Dally's back to you. Pony and Johnny's eyes got wide, grins growing on their faces. Of course, Dallas turned around and his face got pale.

"So you gonna ask me out anytime soon?" You cocked an eyebrow and he smirked at you.

Steve: You worked at the DX with your two best friends, Soda and Steve. Only, you had a huge crush on Steve Randle. Soda and you were working on a car, you were hidden beneath the car when Steve walked in.

"God Soda, why can't I get her of my mind?" He groaned as you worked.

"Who?" Soda asked and all hope of being with Steve disappeared from you.

"Y/N! She's got those eyes, and that smile! Her body and her laugh, she's just perfect Soda! She'd never want me, I shouldn't even try." He complained.

Confidence rushed through you and you slid out from under the car, Steve's eyes almost popped out of his head. You just grinned up at him and Soda went to the counter. You stood up and Steve blushed.

"I like you too Steve." You smiled and his face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Then well ya let me take you to The Dingo tonight?" He asked and you nodded with a huge smile on your face.

Sodapop: You were half asleep on the couch in the Curtis house, but the whole gang thought you were completely asleep. You had been accepted as a member of the small gang a while back, all of the guys loved you and you loved them.

"Ain't she gorgeous?" Soda asked, is he talking about me? You thought.

"Why don't ya just ask Y/N out already, you've been head over heels for her for how long now?" Pony asked Soda.

They are talking about me! Your heart starting beating faster.

"She's way too smart for me Pony, she's too beautiful too." Soda sat on the floor in front of the couch.

He leaned his head against you thigh, his hair tickling your skin and you tried to stifle your laugh.

"Y/N, you're awake?" Soda asked loudly, your cover was blown.

"Surprise." You grinned, opening your eyes and you were met with his.

Soda asked you out after it, he figured he'd might as well give it a shot. He was pleasantly surprised to hear you liked him too.

Two-Bit: You stood over the kitchen sink in the Curtis house, you'd been staying there for a little while and decided to pull some weight around here. You hummed along to some popular song on the radio as you washed the dishes. Then, Two-Bit stumbled into the house drunk as ever. He plopped himself down next to Steve and took a swig of his beer.

"Hey Stevie, ya think Y/N would ever go for me?" He asked and your heart raced, he had to be joking, right?

"Don't tell her, but I really like her. She got that smile that makes you wanna jump around and dance, and her ass! God, things I'd do for that ass!" Two slurred on, too drunk to acknowledge you.

"Well maybe you should ask her out, I mean she's doing the dishes." Dally smirks as you wiped the water off of your hands.

Two-Bit finally registered that you were in the room and he gave you a smirk.

"How 'bout I take your fine ass out sometime?" He asked you and you just laughed.

"Ask me again when you're sobered up." You winked at him, swaying your hips a little extra when you exited the kitchen.

Johnny: The pitter patter of the rain woke you. Johnny, Dally, and you were camping out in the Curtis living room for whatever reason. The only reason why the rain was loud enough to wake you was because Pony, Dally, and Johnny had moved to the front porch.

"She's just so smart and beautiful, what is there to not like about her?" You heard Johnny ramble on.

"Why don't ya just ask her out, man? I bet Y/N would love to go on a date with you." Dally asked as he lit a cigarette.

You could hear them clearly over the rain, with where you were laying on the couch it was easy to listen in.

"Did you not hear me? She's smart and pretty! I'm just a greaser that can barely pass high school." Johnny groaned.

"If you ask me, I think Y/N would totally go for a greaser like yourself, Johnnycakes." You smiled through the screen door.

That's what differed between you and Johnny, he was quiet and timid. You were a little loud and you spoke your mind, but in this case opposites attract. His big black eyes almost popped out of his skull when he heard you, and then saw your figure in the doorway. Pony and Dal just laughed as Johnny blushed.

Ponyboy: Pony had been talking to his older brother Soda when you were browsing through the candy selection the DX aisles held.

"So how's your crush on Y/N going?" Soda asked, he knew you were knelt down looking for your favorite chocolate bar.

"Ugh, I still don't know if I should tell her or not. She's way out of my league and way too pretty for me. Why would someone with that much intelligence go for a greaser?" Ponyboy asked Soda.

"Why don't you ask her yourself, she's in the candy aisle." Soda laughed as you popped out of the aisle, blushing and holding your favorite candy bar.

Ponyboy slapped Soda's shoulder as a blush grew on his face, you just laughed quietly at the two.

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