Headcannon: Dating Steve

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- He'd try to eat your piece of cake- Which he almost lost his hand the one time when he attempted to while you were in your period- Steve was super good at history and helped you in that class while you helped him in English- You rode with him in...

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- He'd try to eat your piece of cake
- Which he almost lost his hand the one time when he attempted to while you were in your period
- Steve was super good at history and helped you in that class while you helped him in English
- You rode with him in drag races when Soda couldn't
- Steve would take you into the break room at the DX on his break ;)
- Soda went to you when Sandy cheated on him
- You and Sodapop became pretty close after that
- Steve was happy and confused about it all at the same time
- You would slap Steve on the back of his head when he was mean to Pony
- Two-Bit thought you were hilarious
- Dallas liked that you were good at pool
- Johnny was pretty quiet around you for a while, but he warmed up to you
- Steve's dad was a dick, but liked you a lot
- Your parents didn't understand why you liked Steve so much
- They didn't hate him, but they didn't love him
- Steve was super creative when it came to dates
- One time he made you dinner and took you skinny dipping
- During the summer you'd walk around in shorts, a tanktop, and one of his flannels
- He loved it when you wore his flannels
- Like he'd look at you like you were sent from God
- One day you only had a sports bra under the unbuttoned flannel
- That was the day Steve Randle dropped a piece of cake
- Two-Bit actually called five second rule on it and ate the cake
- Sometimes you third wheeled with Steve and Soda
- When you three would walk Steve would give you a piggy back ride and talk to Soda about cars
- You never minded, but when you got bored you'd kiss his cheek or his jaw while he rambled on about cars with Soda
- He loved having his arms wrapped around your waist
- When Steve's favorite songs came in the radio he'd serenade you
- You snuck out of your house on multiple occasions because you missed Steve
- Steve's dad was rarely home at night, and when he was he slept heavily
- Steve gave you a key and you'd slip into bed with him
- In between classes Steve would slap your ass or steal a kiss
- When you guys fought he'd always pout for twenty minutes after then apologize
- You had accepted the fact that you always had to wipe icing and crumbs off of his face
- He'd always whine when you did so
- "I was savin' that for later!"

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