Preference: Telling Him You're Pregnant

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Disclaimer: Y/BF/N means Your Best Friend's Name, I just wanted to make it clear before you read lmao

Darry: You and Darry both loved kids, it was just that you two wanted to wait a little while. For your relationship to grow, and for the two younger Curtis brothers to move. Not everything happens the way you plan them though.

"Shit." You cursed looking at the positive test.

You paced around the small bathroom silently when Ponyboy walked in.

"Oh sorry Y/N.. is that a pregnancy test?" The youngest Curtis noticed the light pink and white plastic in your hand.

You always loved Darry's brothers like they were your own kid brothers, when Darry would huff and puff at Pony you were there to assure Pony that Darry did it out of love.

You nodded slowly as he gasped quietly. "You're..." He trailed off quietly.

"What am I gonna do, Pone?" You were on the verge of tears.

He pulled you into a hug, comforting you in the small bathroom.

"I'm gonna be the best uncle." He whispered and you laughed.

"What're we doing? Having a reunion in the bathroom?" Soda laughed as he walked in.

It hit you, Soda was home. That meant Darry was home.

"I'll tell ya later, Soda." You mumbled, stuffing the pregnancy test into your pocket.

You walked out to see Darry getting started on dinner, he spotted you and instantly became concerned. "Can we talk quickly? It's important." You asked him and fear was evident in his eyes.

You pulled him into your shared room, well his room. You two sat on the bed and Darry was scared stiff. "You might hate me." You looked down ashamed.

"I could never hate you, baby." He told you, brushing some of your hair out of your face.

You pulled the test out and handed it to him. You stood up quickly and started pacing as his eyes widened.

"I didn't have my period last month either." You told him as you watched him.

"You're pregnant?" He looked up at you and you nodded quickly.

"If you want me to go-" You started, but Darry hopped to his feet.

"No, Y/N it takes two to make a baby. I ain't gonna leave you, I love you." He pulled you into a hug and you cried into his chest.

"We're gonna be parents!" He exclaimed and you nodded with a smile.

He pulled you into a kiss, a hand resting on your stomach. "I love you, Darry." You smiled up at him.

Dallas: It was terrible. You had skipped your period and it was confirmed by the doctor, you were in fact knocked up. Dallas hates kids, he was gonna leave you. That thought coursed through your head as you cried. I'll just leave. You thought.

You packed up your things and grabbed some emergency money, but leaving most of it for Dally. You wrote out a letter to him.

Dear Dallas,

I'm pregnant, and I know how you feel about kids. I ain't gonna burden you with a baby, so I'm gonna go. I love you, I truly do, but you've always told me you never wanted kids. I'll be staying at Y/BF/N's house for a little while.

I love you, so much.

With that, you left to see your best friend.

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