Preference: How You Meet / Ask You Out

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Darry: You were home at summer from college, Darry was working on your parents' roof. You had just gotten back from your shift at a diner when you spotted him.

"Well hello, pretty boy. I'm sweaty and you're in the way of the door." You smiled at the shirtless greaser.

"Sorry ma'am," he grinned back, swiping his hand across his forehead.

"Why don't you come in at your lunch break and we can talk, I like what I see." You laughed while looking him up and down once more.

He laughed and he might've blushed a bit, it was hard to tell with the heat though. Just as you closed the screen door you heard a voice call from behind you.

"Wait! I'm Darry." He smiled through the door.

"And I'm Y/N, pretty boy." You replied before climbing up the stairs.

Dallas: It was late, and you were walking home from some lame party. Your head held high as the small heel of your combat boot echoed against the sidewalk.

"You're gonna get killed out here, walkin' alone at night." A voice called from behind you, but it didn't scare you.

"Well I'll put up a fight goin' down." You smirked, fixing your leather jacket.

"Feisty, I like it." The voice said, pulling your wrist to face the person.

"No one asked for your opinion." You smiled sweetly and pulled your wrist out of his grasp.

You turned and walked down the sidewalk again. The guy quickly moved to walk beside you. "May I help you?" You raised an eyebrow at him.

"I wanna take you out." He smirked, pulling a cigarette out and lighting it.

When he wasn't expecting, you took the cigarette from between his lips and took a drag. He was surprised to say the least.

"Sure, I haven't gotten anything better to do." You shrugged, a playful smirk dancing on your lips.

"I'm Dallas Winston." He introduced himself as you two turned on a corner.

"Y/N, come back around tomorrow Winston." You told him, giving his cigarette back.

Sodapop: "Well shit!" You coughed as smoke poured out from under the hood of your car.

You had pulled over when your car decided to make a not so pleasant sound. The only thing near you was an empty lot.

Great, just great. You sighed and waved the smoke away from your face.

"Well damn, what'd you do to the poor car?" A voice laughed from behind you.

"I don't fucking know." You groaned, not caring to turn around.

"Well me and my buddy can fix it up." The voice suggested, that's when you decided to turn around.

You were pretty surprised to see such a cute guy, you were new in town and hadn't seen anymore with half the attractiveness as this guy. "Well I don't have that much money, I wouldn't be able to pay you back." You told the handsome boy.

You noticed a group of guys "hiding" behind a slide in the park next to the lot.

"Those your friends hiding behind the slide?" You asked, pointing at the ridiculous looking group of guys.

The boy sighed and you two watch the gang of guys scramble to find a better hiding spot.

"How about I fix up your car and you go on a date with me, then we'll call it even." He smiled a shiny white smile.

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