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jessiequick18 y'all already going for smut jfc


I strolled through the night, Dal was busy at Buck's. The night left me with adrenaline, freedom for creativity.

A cigarette hung from my lips, short breezes would pass every once in a while. I never minded the slightly coldness that lingered after sweltering Oklahoma days.

Burning embers caught my eye, instantly intriguing me. I noticed I had arrived at the lot, which meant that the fire either belonged to Johnny Cade or some bum.

My feet carried me towards the light source. Sure enough, Johnny sat on the couch. Once closer, I noticed the gash on his cheek.

I sighed as I sat down.

"You gotta stand up to 'em, Johnny." I tell him.

"It ain't that simple." He mumbled out.

"I can help, if you let me." I always cared for Johnny, being in the same gang brings to people close.

"I don't want you getting hurt." Johnny replied.

"I'm a big girl, I think I can handle it." I rolled my eyes.

"You don't know how bad they are." Johnny fights back.

"Really? I think I'd be fine."

"You don't understand."

"Maybe because you don't talk to me."

"Ever think it's for your own good?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" My voice rises.

"They're mean, they wouldn't be afraid to kill you. I don't tell you everything because I don't know how to feel anymore!" I had never seen Johnny so loud or angry.

We were in a screaming match, venting everything. Both of our faces were red with anger, we stood across from each other as steam poured from our ears.

"Goddamnit Jessie, I don't want them to hurt the one thing I actually care about in this world!"

i stood still, my jaw fell slightly. johnny stood still too, it dawned on him what he had finally said.

"i..." johnny tried to begin.

i moves closer to him and a gentle kiss near the gash, careful to not actually put my lips on it. johnny has captured my lips in a kiss once after.

things began to escalate, the chilly breeze left goosebumps on my arms as johnny pulled away at my clothes. johnny's lips were pressed across my skin and his hands moved frantically. i smiled as he fumbled with my bra clasp.

"public nudity sure doesn't matter to you." i laughed.

johnny laughed too, his smile bright and warm.

we ended up getting completely dressed, he let me walk him back to buck's to clean him up. sides, neither of us had a condom nor did we feel ready.

"hey jess."

"yes johnny?"

"could i take you out next friday?"

"of course johnny."

IM SORRY THIS DIDNT END IN SMUT, WHEN I STARTED WRITING I WAS IN A VERY GOOD PLACE AND NOW NOT SO MUCH. I DIDNT WANT TO LEAVE YOU HANGING SO I FINISHED IT UP LIKE THIS. also i took my auto caps off so now everything is lower case intended. sorry again for not completely following with the smut

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