Johnny Cade Imagine

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You bounced up to the Curtis house, Johnny and Ponyboy hadn't seen you yet

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You bounced up to the Curtis house, Johnny and Ponyboy hadn't seen you yet.

"So what do ya want to do for your birthday?" Ponyboy asked.

You had plans for Johnny's birthday, considering he's never had a nice party you were gonna throw one.

"Man, I'm fine with anything. As long as I get to hang out with my buddies." Johnny replied and you finally came into view.

"Hey Johnnycakes, hey Ponyboy." You smiled and pecked a kiss on Johnny's cheek before walking into the house.

"So what are we doing for Johnny's birthday?" I asked the gang.

"I'm baking a cake and I thought we could have a good night in." Darry said and you nodded.

"We can do decorations." Soda vouched for him and Steve.

"We can go get presents." Dallas informed you and Two-Bit nodded.

"Pony or you needs to distract him." Darry reminds you.

"I need Pony to come with to help pick something Johnny'll like." Two-Bit added.

"Tomorrow. I distract, you two decorate, you guys shop, and you bake. Deal?" You looked around them and they all nodded or gave you a thumbs up.

Ponyboy walked in without Johnny, which the black haired greaser decided to go to the lot. You filled Pony in and then left to the lot. Your parents never gave you two thoughts, so you decided to stay with Johnny.

"Hey Johnnycakes." You grinned as your u sat next to him.

"Hi Y/N." He smiled back.

"How about we go to the movie house tomorrow, just us two?" You asked and his face blushed a bit.

"Yeah I'm down." He nods and your smile grew.

You always thought Johnny was the cutest out of the gang, he's also super sweet. "You should be gettin' home." Johnny told you.

"Only if you'll come and sleep there than on the ground." You replied and he sighed.

You hopped to your feet and held your hand out to Johnny. He took it and you pulled him up, not letting go of his hand when he got to his feet.

"Lets go Johnny." You whined pulling him along.

Neither of you realized you were still holding hands until you arrived at your empty house.


The next morning you woke to Johnny asleep on your floor. You quickly got out of bed and shook his shoulders.

"Johnny, it's your birthday!" You grinned as he stirred away.

"Happy Birthday Johnnycakes." You pecked his cheek once before getting up and ready.

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