Ponyboy Curtis Imagine - Requested

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Ponyboy's POV

"I'll see you tomorrow, Pone." Y/N smiled as we stood on her porch.

"Oh yeah, Darry wanted me to ask you if you wanted to come over for dinner, do you want to?" I asked, a smile growing on my face.

"Of course." She grinned, pulling me into a hug.

I kissed her cheek and tried to hurry down the steps, "Wait, Ponyboy!" Y/N called, making me turn around.

I was met with a quick kiss, "Now you can go, see you tomorrow." She smiled and I couldn't wipe my own smile off I tried.

Y/N's house was just around the corner from mine, so I wasn't worried about Socs too much. I walked through my front door and everybody was engrossed in different things.

"What's with the smiley face, Ponebone? You smoke a blunt or somethin'?" Two-Bit asked me before taking a bite of chocolate cake.

"I didn't smoke no blunt, Two." I answer, "Y/N said she'd come over for dinner tomorrow."

"You're all smiley over that? That girl would never turn you down, she's head over heels for ya." Steve tells me.

"Have you two even done anythin' or are you still a little virgin?" Two-Bit asked, making my face go red.

"We haven't done anything besides kissin'." I reply.

"Dang, at your age Darry snuck a girl in." Soda said, setting his arm up to arm wrestle Steve.

"Don't tell him that! I don't want him gettin' ideas." Darry ordered, slapping Sodapop on the back of his head.

I laid down next to Soda, the sun had already went down and he was half asleep.

"Hey Soda," I called out quietly.

My older brother hummed, turning his body to look at me. "What's the matter, Pony?" Soda asked me groggily.

"W-what if I wanna go further with Y/N..." I trailed off and Soda laughed quietly.

"Oh geez Pone, I never thought the day would come where I could actually pass my wisdom onto you." He joked.

"C'mon Soda, what am I supposed to do? How do I know she's okay with it?" I went on rambling.

"When y'all are makin' out of your hand on her thigh and if she tells you no then she's not ready. Simple as that." He answered.

"If you need more help ask Steve or Dal, even little Johnny has gotten some action." Sodapop added before we fell asleep. I would die before asking Steve or Dallas for advice.

"Hey Ponybitch! I hear ya got girl problems!" Two yelled into my ear as he jumped onto Soda and I's bed.

My eyes shot open, "Seriously Soda?" I whined.

"Sorry little buddy, I had too." He snorted.

I rolled my eyes and pushed Two off of me. "Now Pony, when ya feel your pants getting tight don't worry. It's only a-" I cut Two-Bit off by shoving a pillow in his face.

After I got ready the gang kept teasing me about the whole situation. "What did I ever do to you?" I asked Soda.

He just kept on laughing, I didn't get a break from the jokes all day. It was finally dinnertime and I was nervous about Y/N.

"So Pone, you need me to spot you a condom for when Y/N gets here?" Soda asked me.

"Spot him a what for when I get here?" Y/N voice called through the screen door before I could tell Soda off.

I almost broke my neck how fast I turned to look at her. She was dressed in a pair of high waisted skinny jeans, a tank top with a flannel hanging off her shoulders, and her beat up converse. My eyes immediately went to her chest, but I quickly looked up to her face. Soda and Steve snickered from behind me.

"O-oh! Nothin' babe, they're just being stupid." I stutter out when she raised an eyebrow at me.

Two-Bit joined in laughing and I glared at the three of them.

"Hey, Y/N's here!" Dallas grinned and Y/N gave him a confused look.

"You drunk, Dal?" She asked as he tossed an arm around her shoulders.

"Not yet, hey Y/N, are you a virgin?" He asked and I choked on my spit.

She just laughed, "Why do you need to know?"

"Because little Pony here has been askin' questions about doing the deed." Steve ratted me out.

Johnny couldn't stop himself from laughing, Darry went red in the face because of how much he was laughing. I slapped a hand onto my forehead and let out a groan.

"I hate all of you." I mumbled out.

"Even me?" Y/N asked while trying not to laugh.

"No." I grumbled out, refusing to look up at her.

"C'mon Pone, its funny." She tried to reason.

I sighed and decided to just let it go. After dinner I walked Y/N home.

"I'm sorry 'bout the guys, they refused to get off my case." I apologized, shoving my hands into my pockets.

"It was kind of hilarious, so it's not a big deal." She laughed and I felt my cheeks get red.

"And Pony, we're only 14. At least wait till we're 15." Y/N added before pecking a kiss on my cheek and running up to her front porch.

A smile grew on my face and I turned on my heels, going home.

I honestly love this plot sm
I'm down to three request and I'm gonna do a set of headcannons after I'm done with the request!

Also I highly suggest this movie called Stand By Me if you've never seen it, it's a good one!

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