Johnny Cade Imagine - Requested (SMUT)

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Disclaimer: This is smut - I tried my best at the request - so if you're not into that I'll have something up soon!
I'm going on a D.C. Trip tomorrow, so that either means more updates or less

Also, happy birthday @felysha1 !Thanks for requesting! I really hope this doesn't suck!

Also, happy birthday @felysha1 !Thanks for requesting! I really hope this doesn't suck!

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Felysha's POV

I basically skipped down the street, I was excited to see the gang. Apparently they were planning something for my birthday, Steve was terrible at keeping secrets. I felt an arm wrap around my waist and I was almost scared till I saw my boyfriend, Johnny.

"Hey birthday girl," He smiled at me, pecking my cheek.

"What's up, Johnnycakes?" I asked as we started down to the Curtis house.

"Oh you'll see." He smirked.

Johnny and the gang could be very unpredictable at times, I honestly couldn't think up an idea of what they had planned.

We walked in a comfortable silence like most times. When we approached the Curtis house Johnny got visibly more excited. He opened the door and the whole gang popped out. I laughed and jumped back a bit in surprise.

"Happy Birthday Fey!" They smiled, the gang had always called me that because it was easier than saying my full name.

Dallas sat on the couch, slightly pissed because one of the members of the gang had forced him to wear a party hat. Two proudly wore one and ushered me towards a chocolate cake with unlit candles.

"I want the cake! Let's get this party goin'!" Steve hollered and I couldn't keep myself from laughing.

Darry let the candles and the gang did a bad rendition of Happy Birthday before I blew the candles out. Clapping filled my ears as Johnny pulled me into a kiss, when we pulled away a slice of cake was pushed against my face.

"Aw, c'mon guys!" I whined and wiped the frosting off of my eyes.

Johnny was trying to stifle a laugh, so I wiped more cake off and surprised him by putting it on his face. It almost turned into a cake war, but the cake was too delicious to waste. Once we cleaned up the whole gang all hung out, nothing big.

Then Soda suggested truth or dare after Darry went to bed. Darry hated the game with a passion and definitely never liked playing. We all sat on the living room floor in a circle. Dallas had that mischievous look on his face and I knew something was gonna happen.

"Birthday Girl, you get to spin first." Two smiled and I spun the bottle easily.

It landed on Pony and I asked him truth or dare.

"Truth." He answered and Steve coughed the word 'pussy' out under his breath.

"What did you do with Cherry in the bathroom at that one party?" I asked with a smirk and his face got red.

"She gave me a blowjob, but that was about it." He shrugged and I laughed.

The game continued, it was Dally's spin and it landed on me.

"Truth or dare?" He asked and I thought for a second.

"Dare." I answered.

"Take your shirt off." He nodded and Johnny went to protest, but I had already slid the shirt off of my body.

Johnny's eyes scanned down my body, I was only in high waisted jeans, converse, and my bra now. I tilted his chin up and he blushed.

We continued, it was now Steve's spin. It landed on Johnny, when he was asked truth or dare Johnny answered dare.

"Give Fey a lap dance, every girl deserves a birthday lap dance." Steve smirked and Johnny blushed harder.

I raised an eyebrow over at Johnny and his eyes went wider than usual.

"Well let's give them some privacy!" Two-Bit rushed everyone out and placed a chair in the middle of the room.

I happily sat down and Johnny sighed and decided to slide his jacket off. A slow beat of the radio flowed into the living room and I laughed slightly.

"I can't believe I'm gonna do this." He mumbled and bit down slightly on the inside of his cheek, his eyes scanned my body once again.

He quickly placed his lips against mine, his hands ghosting down my forearms. Our lips moved to the song and Johnny cautiously grinded his hips against mine. I slid my hands up his chest to wrap around his neck, and Johnny began to get more confident.

His lips sloppily moved over my neck and shoulder, a small moan fell out of my lips as he sucked slightly on my sweet spot. A smirk formed against my skin and Johnny became more and more confident.

One of his hands fell onto my bra, lightly massaging as he pushed his hips against mine harder.

"Oh god, Johnny." I mumbled, my eyes closed and my head fell back slightly.

It would've lasted longer, but we stopped when Two and Steve started to whistle at us. I slid my shirt on quickly and bid the gang goodbye as I tugged Johnny back over to my house.

Johnny and I made it back over to my empty house as quick as we could.

Best birthday ever.

Here's another Ralph Macchio gif because why not

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Here's another Ralph Macchio gif because why not

I really hope this didn't suck!

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