Darry Curtis Imagine

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I might make this into a story after I finish Just Like You, and I don't know if anyone has written Darry like this. I like the concept and I think it would be a great book. Disclaimer E/C means eye color and Y/F/N means your full name

You stomped your way into the Curtis house, plopping yourself at the dinner table

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You stomped your way into the Curtis house, plopping yourself at the dinner table. Darry was cooking up something that smelled delicious, but your rage was the only thing you could think about. You were the same age as Darry, and Steve's older sister. The gang welcomed you when Steve forced you to hang around the group of boys.

"What's the matter?" Soda asked, sitting down next to you.

"My dance partner quit on me! I have a gig at the hotel on 6th street in two weeks! I'm gonna have to cancel." You groaned angrily.

Your passion was dancing, your mom had put you in lessons when you were little. Steve always just smashed his toy truck in the mud when you were practicing ballet.

"Why don't you dance alone?" Steve asked and you glared at him.

"I can't mambo by myself!" You exclaimed.

"Why don't you get Darry to do it, he took some basic lessons at the Y a couple years ago." Pony told me and I raised an eyebrow.

Darry glared at Pony, but quickly looked at you. "Would you do it?" You asked and his eyes widened a bit.

"Come on Darry, I need this gig." You pleaded and he sighed.

"Fine. I'll do it." He said and you squealed a bit.

Sodapop picked up extra shifts so Darry had more time to practice with you. You'd never admit to it, but you always had a little crush on the oldest Curtis brother. The next day you grabbed Darry and dragged him to the studio. You had a job there and that meant you got to use the empty floor for free.

Your white t-shirt was tied to show your toned stomach and a pair of leggings covered the other half of your body.

"Okay how about we listen to the song and then we'll get into it?" You asked and he nodded.

You played the song and tied your strap on your strappy heels.

"Okay Darry, you need to have a strong frame. No spaghetti arms." You ordered and he followed.

"This is my dance space, and that is your's. do not enter mine and I will not enter your's." You gestured and he nodded.

"Up on your toes Darry!" You yelled over the music and he followed your steps.

The first week he had gotten most of the dance down, you two spent any free moment practicing. Even at the house you and Darry would practice in the small kitchen, the boys laughing. Steve wasn't very fond of the way Darry was touching you, but you didn't mind.

"Okay drag your hand down." You told Darry as he pulled your hand around to the back of his neck.

Each time you tried you ended up busting out laughing. "Come on Y/N! I'm trying here!" He huffed out.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" You laughed and you two tried again.

This time, you didn't laugh.

Darry and you became really close, and the dance became easy for both of you. The night of the gig you strutted into the Curtis house in a red dress, your hair flowing behind you as Steve smiled proudly.

Darry walked out in the white dress shirt and black dress pants.

"Well look at you two." Soda smiled and you rolled your eyes.

"We'll be back later." Darry smiled as you walked out the door.

When you got to the hotel you slid the heels on, going over the steps with Darry one last time.

"What if my hand slips or something?" He asked nervously.

"You'll be okay Darry, trust me." You smiled up at him.

You two were very close, your bright E/C met his blue ones. Out of nowhere he pulled you into a kiss, your heart pounded as his hands glided down to your hips. When you pulled away it was time to go on stage.

"Y/F/N and partner doing the mambo." The announcer introduced you and Darry.

The dance went perfectly, Darry didn't mess up and neither did you. The audience loved you two on stage together. When the song ended and Darry pulled you off the stage the hotel manager wanted you back for next weekend to do another salsa dance. Darry and you were ecstatic, and agreed immediately.

"We did it!" You smiled at Darry.

He smiled back, pulling you into his arms and kissing you once more.

The kiss led to other things, but don't tell the gang that. After you fixed your dress and his hair, you two left.

"So a samba dance sound good to you?" You asked Darry and you knew he didn't care.


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