Dallas Winston Imagine - Requested

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Thank you @thirldolzzz  for requesting! It's kinda short, sorry bout that!

Thank you @thirldolzzz  for requesting! It's kinda short, sorry bout that!

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Arianna's POV

I was a regular at Buck's. Considering he was best friends with my older brother and I loved dancing, I tagged along. When my brother went off to college I still would go to Buck's and dance till my legs hurt.

It was Friday night. Buck's wasn't packed, but it wasn't deserted. I danced alone in the middle of the floor, I never minded dancing alone. When the song ended I went up to the bar to get a water.

"Well hello." A voice greeted me as I thanked Buck for the drink and paid.

I turned to see a greaser. I knew who he was. I was warned to stay away from him, Dallas Winston was always no good.

"Well goodbye." I smile and turned back to my water.

"Feisty." He smirked, his hand finding my waist.

I quickly slapped it away and glared at him, "Don't even know my name are you're already tryin' to feel me up, classy." I rolled my eyes and tried to walk away.

His hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, "Hi, I'm Dallas. What's your name?" He asked.

"Arianna, now I'm going to dance." I tell him, once again trying to walk away.

"Well let me dance with you." Dallas pleaded.

"Why? I don't owe you anything." I raise an eyebrow, "Sides, there's a bunch of girls here that would love to get with you Dallas. Go for them."

I walked away, but Dally's body pressed against my back and his hands held my waist.

"Why would I was a girl like that when I could try to get you?" He asked lowly in my ear. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't attracted to Dally, but he didn't need to know that.

"Even if we do dance I'm not going to be sleeping with you tonight." I inform him.

"All I want is a dance and your number." He grinned.

I walked out to the dance floor, a more upbeat song was on. Dirty dancing was at its peak, couples were dancing carefree as Dallas grabbed at my hips again.

"Do you know how to dance?" I ask him and he shrugged.

I took it as a no when he swayed awkwardly.

"I thought you were a cool guy, you can't even dance!" I laughed, spinning around so my back was against his front.

My hips moved with the beat and Dallas followed with the rhythm. The whole song Dallas refused to let my hips go, so we dance pressed against one another. I didn't mind, it was pretty fun. The song ended and I faced Dallas, "How about another dance?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Depends." He replied.

"Depends on what?" I asked, a smirk fell on his lips.

"On if I can get your number first." He smirked.

"How about after this dance I'll let you walk me home and I'll give you my number." I smiled.

"Deal." Dallas grinned and pulled me back against him.

At the end of the night Dallas ended up driving me home. I made sure to write my number down for him. I even surprised Dallas Winston with a kiss on the cheek.

OF ANY OF YOU SHIP SOME OF THE GANG (like stevepop or jally or johnnyboy) I HAVE AN IMAGINES BOOK FOR THAT NOW :)


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