Johnny Cade Imagine

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You walked down the familiar sidewalk that you went down everyday

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You walked down the familiar sidewalk that you went down everyday. Your hands were stuffed into the back pockets of your dark skinny jeans as you strolled comfortably on the sidewalk. Ruckus from a very familiar house pulled you out of your thoughts.

"I-I'm sorry!" Johnny yelled out shakily from where he was pushed out onto the front porch of his parents' house.

You stopped dead in your tracks, you'd never tell anyone that you dug Johnny a little more than the rest of the gang. Ever since he helped you on the playground that on day in preschool, your small crush on the greaser grew.

Johnny's dad swayed as he slurred insults at the boy, you couldn't move. If you ever witnessed one of Johnny's beatings you were forced to promise to not interfere, but you couldn't handle watching him take the hits. Your feet were moving faster than your mind, you didn't realize you what you were doing tell Johnny yelled your name.

Johnny pulled you off of his dad, "I-I'm sorry Johnny.. I couldn't stand there and watch him hurt you." You stuttered out, not wanting the timid greaser to be mad at you.

"No thank you Y/N, let's go before you tackle anyone else like a football player." He smiled playfully at you, guiding you down the steps of the run down house.

His arm was thrown around your shoulders, "H-hey Johnny, could we go to the lot? I'm not that up to seein' the gang, if that's okay." You were just as shaken up as Johnny was.

"Yeah, let's go. I wasn't that much up to seeing them either." He smiled, laughing nervously.

You two walked in a comfortable silence. Both of you sat down on the old car seat and you leaned your head onto his shoulder, Johnny didn't care though. Johnny never cared when you leaned your head on him, he felt a sense of pride when you did it in front of the gang.

"Hey Y/N, really thank you for back there." He spoke up and you blushed lightly.

"It's no problem Johnnycakes, I was just lookin' out for ya. You'd do the same for me, right?" You asked with hope laced through your voice.

"Of course. I'd risk everything for any of the gang." He said quietly and you didn't reply.

You were just one of the gang, that's what you'll always be. You felt dumb for feeling a little special. Nonetheless, you tried to show it didn't hurt you any and your eyes went to the bright sunset.

Next thing you knew it was colder and you were being carried, you would've been scared if you didn't feel the denim of Johnny's jacket and the familiar cigarette smell. You kept your eyes closed and you heard the loud noise from what you could assume was the Curtis House.

"Guys, shut up would ya!" Johnny exclaimed, trying to be quieter himself.

"Did you kill her?" Soda asks, you honestly couldn't tell if he was serious or not.

"No she fell asleep at the lot, I didn't want her straying out there." Johnny explained.

"Well put her on the couch, have you asked her out yet?" Ponyboy asked Johnny.

Ask me out? You thought, he's gotta be going mad. Hell, maybe you were the one going mad.

"Naw, she ain't into me like that." Johnny said disappointed.

You wanted so bad to yell out at him and tell him you were into him, but you were too much of a chicken. All of the gang tried to boost Johnny's confidence and get him to ask you out, but he just had it stuck in him mind that you only saw him as a buddy.

Soon, the whole gang split. The Curtis boys went to bed while Steve, Two-Bit, and Dally exited the house. Johnny let out a defeated sigh and sat on the floor in front of the couch.

"I think you should at least try to ask Y/N." You said quietly to Johnny, he almost jumped out of his skin.

"I-I didn't know you were awake, I'm sorry." He apologized and you laughed quietly.

"Johnny, you haven't even tried to ask me out." You told him and he raised an eyebrow.

"Well, Y/N, w-would ya like to out with me sometime?" He stuttered out and a grin spread across your face.

"Of course Johnnycakes, all you had to do was ask." You kissed his cheek and turned to lay on the couch.

Your heart was beating fast and a smile was set on your face as it fell asleep. Maybe you weren't going mad.

This came to mind, so here you go!

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