Headcannon: Dating Johnny

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- You brought a wild side out in the quiet boy- He rarely would shut up around you, which the gang loved that Johnny wasn't scared around you- He's super affectionate and will always kiss your cheek and hold your hand- Ponyboy is super cool with h...

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- You brought a wild side out in the quiet boy
- He rarely would shut up around you, which the gang loved that Johnny wasn't scared around you
- He's super affectionate and will always kiss your cheek and hold your hand
- Ponyboy is super cool with hanging out with you two
- You've had to sneak Johnny into your room at night when his parents were out of hand
- You always woke up to a note on your nightstand from him if he had stayed the night before
- He tries to do cute little things for you like open the door or pick a flower for you
- You basically tutored Johnny, which he became better in school
- You never missed a track meet
- One time you sprinted to the school just to see him run
- He told you to try out next year and you laughed
- You've gotten in trouble for being at the lot with him
- He'd always walk you home and apologize for keeping you out so late
- Your parents liked how respectful and caring he was
- Johnny was deathly afraid of your father
- Your dad would slap a hand on Johnny's shoulder just to see him jump
- Your mom loved it when Johnny came over for dinner because he'd help clean when you rarely helped her
- Dallas once had a talk with you to make sure you'd never hurt Johnny
- Soda, Steve, and Two-Bit mess with you just to see how riled up Johnny will get
- Johnny is always trying to cuddle you
- Movies? Cuddling
- Curtis House? Cuddling
- The Lot? Cuddling
- Your Room? Cuddling
- The boy really fucking loves cuddling
- Ponyboy would lend you books and Johnny was a little jealous
- You thought it was cute because his cheeks would turn a light pink and he'd cling to you
- If you were cold that boy would make sure his jacket was on you
- He would kiss you just to get you to shut up
- When he did this you'd forget what you were saying
- If you were on a rampage about something he'd do it because he knew you were mad for no reason
- Once he tried to get you to buy a matching outfit with him, but your styles don't exactly match up

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