Johnny Cade Imagine - Requested (SMUT SORTA)

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Thank you @izzymuzzy for requesting! This plot is so adorable!! And this gif oml

Thank you @izzymuzzy for requesting! This plot is so adorable!! And this gif oml

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Isabella's POV

I almost cheered when the last bell rung. I followed in the crowd to my locker, shoving mostly all of my things into it. Ponyboy was next to me, our lockers were close because he was my little brother, same last name and all. I'm a year older, almost 16. Our lockers ended up next to each other, even though I was a year ahead. Johnny had the locker under mine, he was probably going to be here soon.

"Ugh, coach made me quit smokin'. I really need one, but I need to stay on the team." Pony rambled on as I grabbed my literature book.

"You'll survive, Pone. It ain't the end of the world." I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Oh hush it Isabella, you couldn't go more than a day without lightin' up a cigarette." He bickered back.

"Wanna bet, Curtis?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"$5 says you can't go without a cigarette a full day, Curtis." Ponyboy bet, mocking me with our last name.

"Tomorrow at this time, you better have $5 ready." I smirked and Johnny finally made his way over to us.

"Hey Bella," he grinned before pecking a kiss on my cheek.

I smiled back, I loved when he called me Bella. I never let anyone call me that besides him.

"Well you're on, Bells." Pony stuck a hand out to me.

"Don't forget my $5 tomorrow, Horseman." I shook his hand and Johnny looked at us confused.

"Do I wanna know?" Johnny asked and I laughed.

"I'll tell you on the way to mine," I answered, "Have fun at track, Ponyboy." I told Pony as he walked off, waving back at Johnny and I.

"See you two at home!" He called back and found a track buddy.

"So little Ponyboy decided to make a bet with me." I laughed as Johnny and I walked towards my house.

"He thinks I can't go a day without smokin'." I continue.

"I bet ya can." Johnny grinned, tossing his arm around my shoulders. Usually Johnny would hold my hand, but my arms were full with my books.

"Thank you." I smile, kissing his cheek quickly.

We got to my house without any Socs acting up, and to my surprise the house was empty. Darry would skin me alive if Johnny and I tried anything, so I brought Johnny to my room to study like always.

"What did you get done?" I ask as I kicked my shoes off.

"English, History... the only one I need to finish is math." He answered.

"I need to finish up somethinin English and then my math is half done." I replied.

We finished our homework pretty quickly, Johnny was getting better in school and I was happy that I'm actually helping him. I got tired of sitting and studying, so I started messing with Johnny. I messed up his hair and he groaned.

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