TV screens are NOT suppose to be that bright...

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"Wait up, Y/N!" You hear your friend Josh yell behind you while walking home from school. You laugh a little, and pick up the pace.

"Gotta catch me first!" You yell back, leaving him in the dust. You're a really fast runner, even though you don't do track.

"Y/N you little potato!" You hear Josh yell as he gets further away. You laugh a little more, then stop.

"C'mon, ya stupid asparagus! You are such a sloth!" You say to Josh as he runs up to you, panting like a dog.

"You're too fast!" He complains as we walk back to your house. You give him a smirk.

"I'm not too fast, I'm too fabulous for you," I say while I pull out a pack of (F/F) gum.

"Want shome?" You ask, popping (amount) into your mouth. He nods, and takes 3.

"Thanks," he replies, and pops them in his mouth. You both walk in silence back to your house.

Your parents are away on a business trip (cliche), and you're left home alone. You usually have Josh over to watch anime after homework.

"Wanna watch some Black Butler?" You ask, and he vigorously nods back. Fun fact- Josh is OBSESSED with anime. That's how you two became good friends, and you're surprised you aren't dating him.

Josh is more of the heart-throb to the girls, but you aren't a sucker to romance (unless it's anime men. Nothing's hotter than anime men.) or anything like that. You both share a love for anime, and you get about 6-28 glares a day from jealous girls.

"You know it's my FAVORITE anime, N/N," he replied. You give him a cute pout. You hated that nickname.

"If you get to call me N/N, then I get to call you bitty baby," I reply with a smug smile. He rolls his eyes.

"Fine, N/N."

"Fine, bitty baby."

While you walk home, something, or rather someone was following you.

"Huh, so THAT girl is the target," a girl said behind a bush. The other girl nodded.

"Yeah. She's with MY Josh. Don't even think about hitting on him, Serpa," the other girl replied. "Now, what is the girl's weakness?"

"Reading, which is for dummies," Serpa responded with a snicker. The other girl silenced her.

"Okay, you know what to do. Let's go," The girl says, as Serpa followed her to your house.

"This'll work, right Rachel?" Serpa asked. Rachel nodded as they both walked side by side, and pulled out an old book.

"This spell book will work, it's not that obvious that it IS a spell book anyways, and Y/N is kinda stupid," Rachel replied with a smirk.

Rachel was wrong, underestimating you, though. Surprisingly, you either had a crowbar on you or a knife for self defense (No, you are NOT a murderer.) on you. You also are pretty good at knocking people out, too.

~Time skip to when you and Josh arrive at your house~

"After you, Milady," Josh says as he opens the door and gestures you to go into the house. You giggle, and enter the house. 

You then notice something on your table. Now, you forgot to lock your door (You are pretty forgetful) for about the 36th time.

"Uh, Josh. What's this?" You ask, waving him over to your. He strides over and peer over your shoulder. There, lying on your kitchen table, was a book that had the huge title that read - SPELL BOOK. YOU SHOULD USE THIS.

"I think it's a spell book," Josh said, pointing at the book. You deadpanned.

"No shit, Josh. No shit," you reply as you move him out of the way to open the book. "Hey, let's try this one!"

Josh gives you a worried look. "Do you know what's going to happen?" He asks, and you shake your head.

"No, it'll be a mystery! Oh this is so cool!" You squeal as you scan the page. Josh looked like he was sick.

"Fine. But let's hope it doesn't kill us," he responds, trying to sound cool, but really, he was nervous.

"Okay, we'll chant together," you say, and count to three.

"Llhas ew og o el ecalp ew iredes," we chant (can you translate this? No) together.

And nothing happens.

"Well, this sucks. We went through that horrifying process to something, and we're still here," Josh moans to you. You roll your eyes.

"We just have to see what'll happen. Sometimes it takes a little while for spells to take place," you respond with a small smile. You then turn around. "C'mon, let's watch some anime."

You didn't see Josh go pink when you smiled, because you were kind of oblivious to love. You weren't interested in any relationships yet, however you do like shipping people.

"Y-yeah," Josh stuttered. "Let's watch some Black Butler!"

"Stuttering? Come ON! You're, like, 14! Man up!" You say to Josh, who takes a seat beside you. 

You turn the TV on, not knowing that Josh turned a shade pinker.

You surf Netflix (I don't have Netflix so if Black Butler isn't on there, well whatever, okay?), and land on Black Butler. You click it and the screen comes to life. You snuggle closer to Josh, who instinctively puts his arm around you (Aww~~).

"Hey, are TV screens suppose to get that bright..." you start, only for the light to swallow you, your last words screaming "JOSH GRAB THE BOOK!!"

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