Valentine's Day

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A normal day. No spiders, demons, or snobby earls on sight (Or Joshes).

"(Y/N)!! I hear a small voice yell. I look over my shoulder to see Finny running up to me, panting.


Finny tripped, holding a bundle of (F/F) flowers.

"Finny!" I yelled, rushing over to help the gardener up. "You okay?"

"Yes, thank you," He replied, rubbing his neck with a sheepish grin.

He thrusts out the bouquet of flowers, bangs covering his face.

"T-These are for you, (Y/N)," He said, blushing.

I take them, and kiss Finny on the cheek.

He turns a brilliant red, and runs away, yelling "HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, (Y/N)!!"

I watch him run away with a confused look.

"Valentine's Day?" I mumble. Then it clicked.

"Well, I'm screwed."

I was cleaning up the dining hall, wiping down the table.

Sometimes I wonder why the ENTIRE thing has to get cleaned. Can't we clean it maybe 2 a week?

I move over to the corner to clean, when I saw a spider...

I grab the spider by the leg, and throw it out. Let it report to Claude, I don't care.

I sigh, and go back to cleaning, humming (f/s).

The door opened, revealing Sebastian. I turn around to face him.

"Hi, Sebby-Chan!!" I say, bounding up to him. "What do you want?"

"I want you," he said, backing me up, until we reached the table.

He pinned me to the table, eyes glowing. He leaned down. Did he use breath mints.

I turn red in the face, and smack his face with the palm of my hand.

"WAIT!" I yell, take my hand off. "Were you going to kiss me?" I asked, trying to push him off.

"Precisely," he replied, smirking.

I glare a little, throwing him off guard a little. I push him off, exiting the room.

I then turn around, saying "I want my first kiss to belong to someone I have feelings for."

I walked out, leaving a smirking Sebastian. Wait...


I sigh, shaking the thought out of my head. I don't know. I like him? No, I don't like him. Wait...

Without knowing it, I was in the kitchen. I snap out of my thoughts when someone tackled me into a hug.

"(Y/N)-CHAN!!" Josh yelled, spinning me around. "I have something for you! I bought it about 2 days ago!"

He lead me over to the counter, and there was a heart-shaped box, with a (f/c) ribbon tied into a cute bow.

"Oh! How sweet!" I say. placing my hands over my heart, cheeks lightly dusted with pink.

He grabbed the box, brown bangs covering his sky-blue eyes.

"(Y-Y/N), he said, holding out the box, and clasping onto my hand. "Will you be-"

"(Y/N)," a cold, stoic voice said in the door frame. Josh and I whip our heads to face the high and mighty Earl.

"Hello, master, what would you like?" I ask with a polite smile. He looked at me, then Josh.

Dimension- Black Butler (Black ButlerxReader) **On Quotev**Where stories live. Discover now