Sh*t will go down

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It's been about 3 hours, and I am now taking a bath. It felt really nice to take one, and I wanted to look a little bit presentable when the Italian dude came.
I hear a knock on the door. My eyes dart over to the door.

"It's me, (Y/N). I just wanted to give you some towels," Josh's voice rang out. I thought, and looked down. Good, the bubbles were covering up the parts that don't need to be seen.

"Yeah, come in," I yell, and Josh came in. He tied a red cloth around his eyes. Not a great idea for Josh. He's really clumsy.

Josh came to me, however I caught out of the corner out of my eye, his foot was really close to a loose shoelace. Hmm... this seems cliche...

"Stop!" I yelled, and Josh froze in his tracks. I sigh. "Tie you shoelace, place the towels on the floor, and get out."

Josh nodded, placed the towels on the floor, and left as quick as he could. I sigh. What am I going to do about him? I sigh, and climb out of the bath and wrap a towl around myself. I walk over to the mirror, and look at myself.

I wasn't beautiful. I think someone confessed to me in like, 6th grade, and I turned them down. He was kinda weird, and he was a playboy, anyways.

The reason Josh could come into the bathroom with me in the nude is because I trust him. We've been friends for over 3 years, and we both learned to trust each other.

I doubt that anyone has a crush on me, because that would be like me going to a strip club.

I never going to a strip club. Case closed about that.

I walk out of the bathroom and into my room it was pretty big, but I think that Ciel is going to move me soon. I kinda feel bad for Josh, since he's in a smaller room.

I rummage through the wardrobe, eyeing a million dresses lined up with shoes on the bottom. Damn, he has good taste. I thought, grabbing a maid outfit (37th row down) and throwing it on.

I hear a knock on the door as I'm putting on the boots.

"Come in," I said, lacing up my boots. The door opens to reveal Sebastian.

"Hello, dear. How are you?" He asked, sitting next to me on the bed. He's being a little ooc today.

"...good. How about you?" I asked, grabbing the other boot and shoving it on.

"Just fine, now that I'm with you..." he whispered in my ear. I turn bright red.

"A alright... I have to go meet up with Josh..." I say, boots all laces up. Internally I was screaming OMG OMG MAJOR PERVERT TOO CLOSE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *dying noises.*

I bolt up and run out the door, going to find Josh and see how he was holding up. I run to the kitchen to find Josh cooking... something...

"Josh, please don't tell me you're trying to burn down the kitchen..." I say, giving Josh a like he was up to something.

"Ah, (Y/N)-chan!" He yelled, running up to me and pulling me into a death hug.

"(Y/N)-chan? That's new..." I mutter. He buried his face into my breasts, causing me to go red.

"J-Josh..." I stammered, wanting him to get off me, "why are you hugging me?"

Josh looked up, and let go of me. I barely had time to catch my breath as he grabbed my hand and lead me over to what he was cooking.

It smelled amazing. I looked to see what was inside the huge pot, to see French Onion Soup simmering inside the pot.

"Woah," I said, taking in the sweet aroma, "you never told me you could cook?!"

Josh laughed sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"My Mom taught me before she moved to Japan," he said. I give him a sad smile. Josh's father is a die-hard sports fan, and is trying to get Josh to like the stuff, too. I felt bad for him, knowing (like me) he's more into anime and vocoloid. I showed him anime and one day he came rushing to me playing the , yelling, "what's this genre called?! IT'S AWESOME!!" I internally sweat-dropped at that moment.

"Oh, okay. But if I knew you could cook like that, I would've made you cook while watching the second episode of Fairy tail! Natsu was making me hungry while scarfing down food," I said, poking him in the stomach. (If you don't know who Natsu Dragneel is, shame on you.)

"(Y/N)! Josh! The guest is here!" I hear as Mey-Rin barged in. We swiftly turn our heads to Mey-Rin, who grabbed our wrists, and with surprising speed, carried us like rag dolls.

When we arrive at the front door, all the servants were waiting for us. Sebastian stood impatiently, tapping his foot.

"You're late," he stated. Josh and I sweat-dropped, thinking, well no sh*t, Sherlock.

"Gomen1, we were making dinner," I said, bowing. Josh nodded, and bowed along.

We knew what we would expect. We missed the first scene (poor Finny), since it was our first day. Sebastian held the door, and everyone got into their respectful places. I was next to Josh, and at the end.

I gasped, looking at the sight while standing around. it was Japanese themed, and I knew what it would look like. But I would never expect to see it right before my own eyes.

Everything was breath taking, and I wondered how everyone got this done in time.

"You might be wondering how we got this all done in time, am I correct, (Y/N), Josh?" He asked. We shrug, knowing that he is an almighty demon that is very powerful.

"No, not really, thanks," I say with a small smile played on my lips. We all saw a carriage pull up to the manor, and the sadist wonderful, happy-go-lucky Italian man.

"Here comes the devil," Josh whispered into my ear. I slightly nod.

"We already have the devil with us," I whisper back Sebastian gave me a devilish smile as I give him a .

"The man stepped out, amazed at the display the servants showed. He then laughed a good, hearty laugh.

"Ho ho, wonderful! Excellente!" (I've watched this episode a while back. Sorry if this isn't accurate!!) He said with a huge smile. We all bow.

"Welcome to the Phantomhive Manor," we all said. Josh and I exchanged glances, knowing what will happen.

Sh*t will go down.

I haven't updated in so long!! I am SO sorry!!!! I'll try and update more!

1- Gomen means sorry in Japanese. 

Dimension- Black Butler (Black ButlerxReader) **On Quotev**Where stories live. Discover now