May the Smarves have Mercy

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Josh and I knock on the door three times to the room Ciel and the others were in. Sebastian told us to make some tea for the guests. Well, Josh. I just wanted to join in. Many hands make work light. I mean, light work (Author- Nice fix, [Y/N])


My eyes fluttered open, breathing in the light streaming in through the curtain across the room.

"Welcome to Earth, (Y/N)," I hear above me. I see Josh hovering over me with a smile.

"Yay," I replied sarcastically as I sat up. He smiled at me. I looked down to see me wearing what I were last night. Good, no perverts or peekers.

"I'm going to get changed now, so get out," I said.

"You let me come in when you were taking a bath," he complained.

"I only let you in because there was a ton of fog, and you almost tripped on me. So you lost your bathroom privileges," I replied shoving him out of the room.

I sigh, and change into my maid uniform.

I opened the door to see Josh waiting for me with a patient smile. I smile back.

"If I die, what will happen do you think?" I ask him.

"The Smarfs will come and take your soul and bring you to heaven," Josh replied. "When they get rid of everything, they will take over the world."

I sweat-drop. Smarves?

"Well, I'm probably going to die alone anyways," I said, smiling to nowhere.

"No, I think you'll die with someone," Josh replied, patting me on the shoulder. "I'm the one that will probably die alone."

We reached the kitchen, and I helped Josh make some tea for the guests and the young master.

"You're surrounded by girls in school, and they all love you. You have a variety," I replied. "I think Serpa likes you a lot."

"I know Serpa likes me. She gives me love letters every day saying that she loves me," Josh replied. "Plus, if I had to die, I would like to die with you."

I smile a little as I waited for the water to boil.

"Yeah, dying next to my best friend in the world would be nice."

When the tea was done, I wheeled the cart next to Josh as we headed to the room. Here we are now, knocking three times on the door to the room. I have no idea what the room is called. to be honest, a room is a room.

"Come in," I hear. I opened the door, and walked up next to Ciel.

"Today's tea is French chavu," I said (Author- Okay I just made that up. If there is a tea called that, I would love to try some ^.^), pouring the tea into the china teacup.

I handed it to Ciel, and he took a sip of it. He thought for a moment, and took another sip.

"Your work was for nothing, (Y/N)!!! I'm so sorry!" Madame Red said, hugging me. I hugged back to be polite, but I didn't know if hugging a noble was the noble thing to do.

Badum, tsh.

"It's alright, Madame Red. You can say that I had fun," I replied with a small smile.

"Well, at least you had fun. Where did Lord Druitt lead you off to?" She asked.

That's when last night hit me like a brick to the face.

"I don't know. He was bringing me down a hallway, and-

Dimension- Black Butler (Black ButlerxReader) **On Quotev**Where stories live. Discover now