Me and the three bear hugs (featuring Lizzy)

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I tried sneaking away from the entire scene. All I had to do was sneak up the stairs and go to my room, jump out the window, and make a run for it.

Sadly, there were two things. One, Sebastian found out and scolded me, or that I would be homeless, and had a greater chance of...

Unspoken things.

I sigh, running up the stairs, only to get crushed by strong arms.

"Who are you, miss?" Elizabeth asked, smiling and spinning around.

"Uhhhh," I reply, too dizzy to speak. She gave me a patient smile, waiting for my answer.

"(Yyyyy/Nnnnnnn)..." I reply, eyes spinning. She then spun me around again, and dragged me all the way downstairs.

"My name is Elizabeth Ethel Cordelia Midford," she said, smiling. "Nice to meet you!!" I needed to confuse her somehow...

"The lord thinks after whatever toast," I said, straight faced.

Everyone had a question mark above their head, confused on where I was going with this sentence.

Lizzy was the first to snap out of the confused state of the room, and dragged me downstairs, grabbing Grell by the rope and dragged him along with me to get ready.

"Come on!!!" She yelled, as Grell and I both screamed for help.

The other group was just staring at us being kidnapped by a pink loving girl like: This is fate, and fate has brought this.

-Time skip (with screams and pleas for help)-

"Do I really have to wear this?" I asked, giving her a grumpy look.

"Why, you just look so adorable!" Lizzy replied, giving me a .

I managed to hold my lunch in, which was kinda hard to do.

Did I tell you what I'm wearing? Overjoyed?


I look over at Grell, who was wearing a white dress. White was NOT his color. I'd say red is, or maybe green... Oh! Or maybe (color choice). That might work, too.

"Lizzy..." I started, but she grabbed my hand and gave me a sweet smile.

"Come on, (Y/N)! And it's just Lizzy!" She said, running out the door with me, and Grell trying to catch up.

She opened the door, and everyone stared at us like we came from another dimension. Well, I did come from a different dimension, anyways.

"(Y/N)..." Josh said in awe. "You look so..."

"Pretty!" Finny finished, eyes sparkling.

"She is very pretty, why yes she is!" Mey-rin agreed with a hearty nod. Bard scanned me up and down.

Ciel looked away, cheeks dusted with pink. The same color Sebastian's eyes are. Josh's eyes were sparkling.

"I know!" Lizzy piped. "You can be my new best friend!" She said, clapping her hands together with a smile.

"Sure..." I said, uneasy. Josh ran up to Lizzy.

"Hey, Lizzy! Can I be your bestie, too?" He asked with a patient smile.

She nods, and looks around. I knew what was coming next.

"Oh! I know, we should have a ball! Everyone looks so lovely!" She said. Josh nodded vigorously. I knew Lizzy was his favorite character, however I didn't really like her that much.

Dimension- Black Butler (Black ButlerxReader) **On Quotev**Where stories live. Discover now