When in doubt, knit away!

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"Please stay here until I come back," Sebastian said in his honey voice. You nod.
Sebastian showed Josh and I around the manor, and Ciel went back to his office. I nod.
"Alright," I reply, slamming the door on them. I went to the bed and flopped on it. "How am I ever going to navigate through this maze?" I ask myself, groaning.
I slowly get up, and then making my way to the closet. I opened it up and saw dresses all colors and sizes, and little shoes lined up on the bottom. I scanned the closet again, but this time, my eyes trailed over to some corsets...
After slamming the closet doors, I make my way to the bed, and plopped down on it. How long does it take for Sebastian to show one little room? I ask myself, now bored I scanned my room, eyes landing on a basket of yarn all colors and two needles poking out of a spool of red yarn.
I get up and walk over to the knitting basket, and took out the two needles. I then grabbed my (f/c) and (2nd f/c) yarn, and carried those both over back to the bed.
"Ah, good thing my Grannie taught me how to knit!"
3rd Person
While (Y/N) was knitting God knows what, Sebastian turned around to face Josh rather quickly.
"Do you," Sebastian said with a frown on his face, his eyes colder than usual, "have any feelings for miss (Y/N)?"
Josh gulped nervously. He did have a crush on you, but if he told this butler in black, he was as good as dead.
"I, u-uh, n-no sir!" He blurted out quickly, cheeks pink with embarrassment. Sebastian raised an eyebrow.
"I'll let you answer one more time, truthfully, so answer wisely," Sebastian replied, skeptical.
"U-um, yes, I kinda do..." Josh said, voice getting fainter. He looked down, nervously. Sebastian glared a little, and nodded.
"I was just wondering. Anyways, this is your room," he said while opening a door, revealing a huge guest room. Josh was too afraid of anything to be amazed.
"And also, don't get too attached. We always win in the end," Sebastian said with a smirk, closing the door, leaving a confused and scared Josh to wonder what that meant.

That was the second time I had to write that!! It was annoying, but I managed! Peace!! P.S. sorry this was so short!!

Dimension- Black Butler (Black ButlerxReader) **On Quotev**Where stories live. Discover now