I take a closet to Narnia

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While we're flying over the rooftops of London, I cling onto Kalice with fear of dying.

He's a Yandere, he's a yandere, I kept thinking (Author: OI AUTO CORRECT!! YANDERE IS A REAL WORD!! DON'T MISTAKE IT AS PANDERER!!), scarred by the image of a bloody Josh. If he's capable of doing that, then will he do with me.

"I am not going to hurt you, my dear," he said, as if reading my thoughts. "You are mine, why would I hurt my future wife?"

"Why would I marry you?! You killed my friend (maybe) and then threatened to harm my babies master and that crazy cat man next door!!" I yelled over the rushing wind. I wanted to slap him, but that would consequently lead me falling to my death, which doesn't sound so appealing.

"Because you are mine, and I know that you love me," he replied, kissing me on the cheek. I shivered. Will my first kiss be stolen from this guy?

"Dream on," I mutter, looking away. He chuckled.

When we landed, lush greenwood surrounded us, and a cabin was in front of our eyes, a garden of flowers surrounding the house.

Kalice walked into the small cabin and put me down. My eyes widened.

"How nice..." I muttered. Kalice laughed.

Why do I like this place?! I'm now his f*cking prisoner now!!! My consciousness yelled at me. Pull it together, (Y/n)

"Why yes, you can put it that way," he replied with a smile, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Now, I have an outfit for you to wear."

He dragged me into a room with a huge silken bed that looked like you can sink right through it, and a closet in the corner. He walked over and opened it, to reveal a beautiful .

"Nice, but... are you marrying yourself?" I ask as he retrieved it out of the closet.

"No, it's for you," he replied. "Here, my love."

I took it, thinking about burning it.


He shook his head, a smirk crawling onto his handsome features face.

I shoved him out of the room like I usually do with Sebastian, that little perv.

I then examined the dress up and down, glaring.

After trying to pry open the window to throw the dress and myself out, I sigh.

If he finds out that I'm not changed soon, I thought, stripping after checking the door was locked, he's going to beat me half to death!

After about an hour later of putting the dress on backwards, upside-down, and other unimaginable ways to wear a dress, I finally got it on (ignoring the corsets...).

I discarded the veil back into the closet, and closed it. I hear a knock on the door.

"I am coming in," Kalice said on the other line. I panicked as I heard the doorknob yell at me that a creeper is coming in. I flung open the closet doors and slammed them shut just as Kalice opened the door.

"Where are you, my love?" He asked.

"Narnia," I replied, voice muffled by his closetness.

He chuckles, and opens the closet. I become as small as I could. He grabs my arm and pulls me out of the closet.

When I'm out, he scans me up and down. I shift around, nervously, fidgeting with my gloves. He then smirked, and pinned me to the closet, arms above my head.

Dimension- Black Butler (Black ButlerxReader) **On Quotev**Where stories live. Discover now