I friend zone someone

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It's been a week since I've returned, and I've finally grown accustomed to what's going on.

I was trimming the hedges as Finny was doing god knows what (probably killing more flowers. Oh Finny....), until I heard footsteps. I climbed down the ladder, and saw a with blue-rimmed glasses.

"Excuse me," I said, walking up to her with the shear gleaming in my hand. "Are you lost?"

She looked at me from her wandering curious eyes, and then handed me a business card.

"Hello!" She said with a smile, "my name is Kira Violetta Rose! I am here because someone died near here..."

I gave her a confused look, and replied, "miss, no one has died around here, I'm sorry. Gotta go before the boss yells at me!"

"Sorry birdie. You are going to have to go without a leg!" She said, waving goodbye to a bird. She then looked at my leaving figure, and launched herself at me and grabbed my arm.

"Hey! Is it okay if I start digging to reveal any corpses?" She asked, giving me some pleading eyes. I shake my head.

"Nope, sorry. Might wanna check your trusty book o' death again," I replied, breaking free from the female reaper's grasp and walked to the ladder. I heard pages flip behind me, and I looked to see Kira looking through her mini book. I sighed, and kept going.

"Hey," she piped up, still looking at her book, "you are cute."

I smiled at her, and then asked a something.

"Can you bring back the dead?"

Her eyes widened as I looked down from the hedge. She nodded, and her eyes found the floor.

"Well, I could..." she said, "but first I have to track down where he is."

My lips pursed, and I clipped the hedge a few more times.

"Hey, who are you?" I heard Finny's voice asked. I saw the reaper give him her card.

"Sorry, I am more into girls than boys, so I am not interested," she said, flipping her hair like she was too fabulous. I giggled, until she said, "right now, I am in love with (Y/n)!! She is pretty and very patient!"

Her lips then pursed. "Unlike Willy."

Wow, Mr. hedge, you're looking fine...

"Anyways, if you want to bring back your boyfriend, do you know where he is?" She asked, and I give her a twisted smile.

"Can you get to Hell?" I asked her hopefully, and she shook her head. I sighed, until she said, "I can summon a demon from Hell, though! I have a peculiar ability to summon people, which does make my job easier sometimes."

My eyes lit up when she said something about summoning.

"Can you do it?"

"On one condition."

"What is it?"

"I will be put in a long coma if I summon something from not on the surface. So that means I would have to put you in a coma for about a week in exchange."

My eyes widened as Finny looked confused at both of us.

"KIRAAAA!!" A familiar voice called out. I saw a streak of red barreling towards the blue reaper, and was tackled into a hug.

"Grellie!" Kira squealed in delight, hugging the reaper back. I sweat-drop at the reunion as Finny had hearts in his eyes.

"Don't tell me you're shipping this, Finny," I said, walking over to him. He looked over at me.

"What's shipping?" He asked in his oh-so innocent voice. I wanted to squeeze him to death, he was too cute!

"Pretty much shipping is when you think two people should be together. Your ship will sail when they reach a romantic checkpoint that you decide, however your ship will sink if some conflict will happen between the two, you decide. You decide fate," I replied with a serious expression. Shipping is always important and never should be taken lightly!

"Oh! Can I ship you with mister Josh?" He asked with doe eyes as Kira and Grell were gossiping about the newest fashion (and other reaper stuff I don't know). My face lit up with a red as Grell looked over at us. He glared and came up next to me.

"I am so sorry little boy," Grell said, hugging me and bringing me into a ballroom pose. "She is mine! You pair her with that rapscallion of a person!"

I sweat-dropped as I hastily broke from his grip, giving a nervous laugh.

"Look, Grell. I like you as a friend, okay?" I said, nervously smiling. "I'm not ready for any relationship."

He frowned, and placed his hands on his fabulous hips. Kira came up and placed her hand on Grell's shoulder.

"Grellie," she said with sympathy, "if she says she is not ready, she is not ready. If she had to choose, however, she would choose me."

"HEY! NOT TRUE!" Grell yelled.

"Why is he here anyways, (Y/n)?" Finny asked. I shrugged, my guess was to see the sexy demon butler residing here. I sighed.

"Can I help you with some gardening?" I asked. Finny nodded.

"Yes please! I have been having troubles with the garden lately, but I have been trying my best!"

"(Y/n)," Kira's voice cut in, serious and stern. "What is your decision?"

I pondered. Being in a coma for a week to bring back the sweet dandere that I once knew, or staying awake and alive and working and no one had to worry about me?

I took a deep breath, and replied, "give me about a week, please. This... is hard."

She nodded, and winked.

"Ta ta~" she sang, and took off, Grell's red hair clutched firmly in her hand as he hollered in pain(?).

"Why were there two... reapers... here in the garden?" Sebastian asked, looking at Finny and I, who jumped about a foot in the air.

"Resurrection?" I said, more like questioning. Sebastian's eyes turned a bright pink.

"Who might you want to resurrect?"

"Um, my friend from Gehenna."

"I see," he replied, and then whipped out a letter. "More good news."

"A new case?"

"Yes, and also a vacation for all the servants as well."

Yaaay another chapter done. I'm ready for the next arc *straps herself in* and I think I might bring Damien back (seeing how you all are like, "BRING BACK DAMIEN OR YOU DIEEEEE!!!"), but it depends. I don't know if Ciel would bring him in, seeing that he has competition... Sorry this chapter was a bit short.

Dimension- Black Butler (Black ButlerxReader) **On Quotev**Where stories live. Discover now