St. Patrick's Day!!!

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"HAPPY SAINT PATRICK'S DAY!!!" I yell in Josh's ear with a smile.

"GAAAAHH!!" He yelled, jumping about 5 feet away from me. I had a smug look on my face.

"Oh. It's just you."

I sigh, and grab his hand.

"Wh-where are you taking me?" He asks. I giggle.

"My room. I wanted to check the spell book," I reply, walking through the twisting and turning corridors.

When we got to my room, I open the drawer to the not-so hidden spell book.

I flip through its blank pages, Josh peering over my shoulder.

Suddenly, a green-colored page showed up.

I scan through it, trying to process everything that was in the page.

"It looks like a spell to summon a leprechaun," Josh said, beating me to the reading part.

"Huh, okay," I reply, staring at the book. "Should we try it?"

"Sure. It won't hurt us..." he replied with a shrug. "Unless he tries to kill us. That would be totes adorbs."

I smile, and recited what to say.

"St. Patrick, please lend us your powers," I chanted with Josh 12 times. The book started to glow green, and an entity started to form...

"Hey, it's a leprechaun," Josh said.

"No sh*t, Josh," I reply. I turn to the leprechaun, who was trying to eat the carpet. "So, what's your name?"

He looked at me, then jumped in my lap. I was shocked.

Suddenly, my once navy-blue maid outfit was a stunning green, and my shoes turned into green lace-up boots.

"YOU LITTLE BRAT!" I yell, trying to catch the evil leprechaun. "MY MASTER GAVE ME THIS!! YOU RUINED IT!"

He only stuck his tongue out, and turned Josh's kitchen outfit (looks like Bard's) into a light green one. When I saw Josh, his blue eyes seemed stormier than usual.

The leprechaun ran out of the room and to god knows where into the manor.

"Josh, bring the book and see if there's a way to bring that hell spawn back over the rainbow," I say. he nods, grabs the book, and runs down the hall with me.

"What are you looking for, Ms. (Y/N)?" A smooth voice asked behind me.

"A leprechaun is on the loose. Can you help us?" I asked from underneath a green shelf.

I picked up a speck of glitter. I looked around to see where the trail leaded to, because for some reason this leprechaun farted green glitter.

"Why of course," Sebastian replied with a devilish smirk. "However, on one condition."

"What is it?" I asked, on my hands and knees searching for a trail, noticing it going into the garden.

"You have to kiss me," he replied with a smile.

"No can do," I reply walking out the door. I hear Sebastian following me.

I forcefully get turned around and pinned to the ground. I looked up into Sebastian's crimson eyes that were filled with lust.

"If you want my help, I would like a kiss," he said with a smirk on his perfect lips.

I blush red.

"U-um..." was all I could say.

I hear a snicker, and saw that sneaky bastard on Sebastian's back.

I saw him give me the stink eye, and turned Sebastian's tail coat green.

I push him off of me, and scanned him up and down.

"Green suits you," I say, holding back a snigger. Sebastian looked down.


I saw the leprechaun run across the green, and I stumbled after it. I hear Sebastian behind me, and pass me with Sonic speed.

Sebastian then came up to me with the leprechaun in his hands, which was screaming and kicking.

I glare at it with as much hate I could muster, then said.

"Spill. Why are you wrecking this lovely garden?" I asked, arms crossed over my chest. I hear footsteps, and turn to see Ciel.

"Oh, hey Ciel!" I said, waving him over.

He gave me a confused look, and strutted over to where Sebastian and I were.

"What is it?" He asked. He then looking at what was in the demon's hand.

"This," I gestured, "is a leprechaun. I don't know how to get rid of it..."

"BUT I DO!!" Josh yelled, running up to us with the spell book. He pointed to the spell, and I smile.

"We need a wand," I say. Josh's eyes widened to the size of plates.

"Oh. Never mind. I'll... be leaving," he replied, walking away.

"Wait! Give me the spell book!" I yell.

"So, this is a leprechaun?" Ciel asked. "Never heard of one."

"Learn your Irish," I replied, the leprechaun looking at Ciel like he cussed.

He sighs.

"Get that thing out of my sight," he said, walking away.

Sebastian and I exchange glances, then followed Ciel back into the manor to see what we could do to get rid of the pest.

"Any ideas on what to do for getting rid of the leprechaun?" I ask, turning a corner.

"Not a clue, miss (Y/N)," he replied. I look out of the corner of my eye to see...

The leprechaun missing.

"Where the leprechaun at?" I ask, facing towards him all the way.

"Please use proper English, and it is right..." he looked at his hand. "In... my... hand..."​​

I started to run, to figure out where that pesky brat went. I saw the green train of glitter lead to Ciel's office.

His office?!

I burst open the door to see green glitter and chocolate coins spread about. A pissed Ciel was in the middle of the mess, wearing a nice green suit and pants.


An awkward silence fell between us, until Ciel spoke up.


I laugh, running along with him.

"I'm rubbing off on you, aren't I?"

"Sadly, yes. Please stop being weird."


Sebastian followed us outside and out the front doors, along with Josh on our tails.

We all came to a halt.

"What a nice green wonderland," I mutter.

Happy Saint Patrick's day, people!!

Dimension- Black Butler (Black ButlerxReader) **On Quotev**Where stories live. Discover now