Undertaker gets a kick to the chest. Yay?

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"Today's tea is no-tea," I said, giving him a glass of milk.

Ciel knocks it off of the desk with an irritated look, spilling milk everywhere.

I gave him a horrified gasp, faking an exaggerated hurt by slapping my hand to my heart and stepping back.

"YOUNG. MASTER," I said, marching up to him, "MILK IS GOOD FOR DEM TINY BONES."

Ciel scoffed.

"I do NOT have tiny bones," he replied, getting up and walking to me. "Also Madame Red and Lau are coming today. Please make proper tea."

I narrowed my eyes, and left to get a rag to clean up the mess on the carpet.

After cleaning, I head to the kitchen. The sun was glaring bright, and if felt hot and stuffy inside the manor. Why do I feel this if it's so damn big?!

Walking into the kitchen, the smell of cake hit me. I see Josh wearing a pink apron and humming 'A thousand years' under his breath. (A/N: I was actually listening to that song while writing it, so yeah...)

F*ck Twilight.

I see Bard in the corner, watching Josh with a notepad.

"Hey, Josh!" I said, walking over to him. "Do you know where the lemons are located?"

He nods, and points to the cupboard in the corner, stirring some kind of stew. What's with all the stew? I walk over to it, and take about three lemons out. I then grabbed a knife and cut it into fourths, and then squeezed it all into a pitcher.

Turning on the faucet, I put cold water inside, then ran over to grab some sugar. Grab some fancy shmancy wine glasses, and ta-da! You've got yourself some fancy lemonade!

I place all of the things on a tray, and walk out to the room where Lau, Red, and Ciel were located, humming (f/s) merrily. I felt eyes on me, but I shrugged off the feeling.

I open the doors to the drawing room, and place the cold drinks down in front of them

"What's this?" Madame Red asked, taking a sip. Her eyes light up. "This is delicious!"

I gave one to Grell, who took a sip. His eyes lit up, and drank the rest with relish. (As in pleasure. I don't make relish lemonade. Relishlade??)

"Lemonade, Madame," I replied with a warm smile.

Ciel took a few sips, eyes lighting up like Madame Red's but his eyes died down a few seconds later.

"It's..." said the judge (or Ciel), ".....................alright."

A mark of irritation crossed over me as I look at Ciel with disapproval.

"Wow, where did you learn to make this beverage, miss (Y/N)?" Lau asked in closed-eyed fascination.

"Well, you see..." I started, not a very good liar, "I... um..."

"My other servant, Josh, helped her make it, seeing that he is a creative spirit," Ciel finished, giving me a small glare.

I looked a little surprised. Woah, Ciel actually complimented Josh for something!

"Then again, that might be the only good thing about him," Ciel finished, smirking at me.

I went to my emo corner, and Ciel went back to talking. I manage to catch, "We're going to go take a visit to a friend..."

-Time skip-

I sweat-drop as we arrive to the place.

A huge sign that said Undertaker hung above the musty building, and the not-so-welcoming coffins stood in front of the door, skulls engraved in both of them.

"I don't know whether to be excited or just plain creeped out," Josh whispered in my ear. Did I mention that Josh was coming, too?

I shrug, as Lau asked "so, where are we again?"

Everyone grew an irritation mark over their head, and a question mark popped out of Lau.

We head inside, everyone looking around. I smile inside, and walk up to a huge coffin.

"GET OUT, UNDERTAKER!! I KNOW THAT YOU'RE IN THERE!!!!' I yell, banging on the coffin.

No reply.

An tick mark showed above my head, and I then back up.

"(Y/N)..." I yell. I then jump into a , and finish, "KIIIICK!!!"

The blow of my kick not only break the door, but I thought I heard a crack of a white-haired man's bones.

I jump off him in a fighting stance. He staggers up, clutching his stomach, a stupid grin plastered on his face.

"Wel-" he coughed, "come..."

Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. Guess what? I am.

"What? He's standing..."

He then started laughing. On and on and on...

"Haha... I didn't know... haha... that impact... hahaha, would be so funny!!" Undertaker said, laughing like crazy. Everyone looked at him with a sweat-drop.

"Alright, Earl," he said, coming up from behind him and poking his tiny cheek. "I'll give you a deal. Give me the girl and I'll give you the information."




"No way Ho zey!" I say, putting my hands up in defense. Josh nodded, and hugged me and I hug back. Sebastian glared at the both of us.

The magic of friendship broke that rule of listening to a glaring demon that could kill before you say, "FRIENDSHIP!!"

Ciel looked at me, and then Undertaker, wondering if he should hand me over to this retired reaper. Undertaker was eying Josh and I that were still hugging.

Ciel kept switching gazes. I then see Madame Red run over to me and rip Josh off, and squeezed me.

"YOU ARE NOT GIVING A PRETTY MAID LIKE THIS TO THAT RUNDOWN THING!!" She yelled at Ciel, who came up with a tick mark yelling "stop manhandling my maid!!"

Ciel sighed, and looked at Sebastian, who nodded.

"(Y/N)..." He said, looking at me. "You are..."

Lol cliffhanger!! This is a little shorter than my usual chappies (I usually aim for about 1,000 words), but I did try, knowing that I have curious readers!! Until next time, reader!!

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