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I sigh, dusting the last jar of the shop. I look around the room for a sight of the retired reaper, but I saw nothing.

What if I'm missing the corset scene?!?!

"Undertaker, I'm done," I say, hoping that the message would reach his stupid ears.

No reply, that bastard.

I feel arms sneak around my waist, and I look over my shoulder to see Undertaker.

"Let go, ya big perv!" I yell, smacking him in the face and backing to the door. I reach for the knob, staring at Undertaker, who had a wide grin on his face.

"Where are you going, dearie?" He asked, striding up to me. Talk about creepy, though.

"Home," I reply. A sense of warmth washed over me as I said the word 'home.'

I turn the knob, and run out of the shop.

3rd person ([Y/N]: Hey!! I don't need this!!)

(Y/N) ran as fast as she could away from the Undertaker shop ([Y/N]: Hey!!! I only want to go home!!).

She ran past people that gave her a Why are you running little girl? look ([Y/N]: No, they were like I don't care)

Are you going to comment on everything I say? ([Y/N]: Yes, I am. Until you change back to MY perspective, I won't stop)

*Sigh* no, this is my time to shine, (Y/N), okay?? ([Y/N]: I SHANT BACK DOWN!!!)

FINE!!! I'LL HAVE YOU GO BACK TO THE UNDERTAKER!! ([Y/N]: Hey!! That's cheating!!!)

BOI I AM LE FABULOUS AUTHOR SHUT UP! ([Y/N]: Well, I am MORE fabu than u!)

(Y/N)! Shut up!! I want to continue this story!! ([Y/N]: NEVAH!!! SHALL I LIVE AND BECOME A GOD!!)

(Y/N) didn't realize that the Undertaker was catching up, because she didn't bother to look up, and the retired reaper still had some great roof jumps. ([Y/N]: Hey hey hey!!! That's mean! It's not fair!!)


Your POV

I sigh, hoping that the author wouldn't interrupt again (Author- I am RIGHT HERE! RIGHT. HERE. DAMMIT). I then felt someone pick me up, and jump onto a high ledge.

"Hehe~ Bad little pet," Undertaker said with a smile, jumping down from the roof.

This is the author's fault. She MADE him catch up to me! I thought, struggling to get out of his firm grip. The bystanders were either too busy to bother with us or giving us strange looks like we were a strange married couple (Author- heyyy good idea!! I ship it XD).

"Hey! Let me go!" I yell, pushing against his chest. He giggled, and took off to the shop.

When I got back, Undertaker said, "here, take this. You deserve them."

He held out a bag, and jiggled it. The clack of coins were muffled by the brown fabric.

I blink in confusion, wondering why he was giving me a bag of coins. I barely did anything!

"So... you aren't going to rape me?" I asked, dumbly. He chuckled.

"No, dearie," he said. I take the bag of coins from his freezing hands. "Now, go along home."

I nod, and head out the door, waving to him one last time.

"Bye, Undertaker!" I yell. "I'll visit soon!"

He chuckles, and waves at me. I take off, only to bump into...

"Young master?!" I asked, surprised. He looked at me with a worried expression.

"Are you hurt? Did that scumbag to anything funny to you?" He asked, placing a hand on my forehead. I shake my head.

"No, he did not do anything to me," I reply with a small chuckle. Who knew shrimp would have such a big heart?

Ciel sighed in relief, and took my head. He then blushed, and released it almost immediately. I swear I saw Sebastian glare at our contact.

I smile a little, and hum (f/s) while we were walking back to the carriage. When we got there, I climbed next to Sebastian, who was driving the carriage.

"So, what happened while I was gone from the manor?" I asked. Sebastian looked at me with soft eyes (Author- OMG NOW I SHIP IT READER X SEBBAE!!)

"Ugh, damn you, author. Shut up and let me drive," Sebastian yelled, hoping that the author would take a hint (Author- Ugh fine).

"It was pretty quiet," he said softly, gazing out into the distance. We were nearing the Phantomhive manor pretty quickly. The sun was setting slowly, and we finally pulled up to the front gate.

Sebastian climbed off first, and held out his hand to help me down like a gentleman. I decline, and hop down with grace. I landed like an Olympian, said "10, 10, 10!"

Sebastian sighed, and help the little lord out of the carriage.

"(Y/N)," Ciel said, walking up to me. " I have a favor to ask of you."

"What is it?" I ask. He sped up a little, placing his foot on the first step to the manor.

"Come to my study after you wash up," he said, not turning around. He continued up the stairs.

I sigh, and walk up behind him. Sebastian placed his hand on my shoulder.

"We all missed you," he said with a small smile. Was it fake? I don't know, I'm not a good smile detector.

I smile a little, and stare at the manor.

"Well, it's good to be home again, I guess," I reply, walking up the stairs with Sebastian by my side.

As soon as I walk inside, four people tackled me in a hug.

"(Y/N)! WELCOME BACK!" Finny, Mey-rin, Bard, and Josh said in unison.

"Ho... ho... ho..." Tanaka said, taking a sip of his tea.

"Um... hi everyone?" I asked, like it was a question.

"We all missed you, yes we did!" Mey-rin said, smiling. I grin back at her, and hug her.

"You have no idea how I feel to be back here!" I reply.

"To be back home!"

Dimension- Black Butler (Black ButlerxReader) **On Quotev**Where stories live. Discover now